Neo Geo And Gp32 Emu?


Sep 6, 2005
I know we can't really tell for now, because of alot of reasons, but do you think the gp2x will be able to run smoothly neo geo emulators? and i mean neo geo, not neo geo cd. i so badly want to play metal slug on the go, with something close to a pad (and not a keyboard) and hook it on my tv! :(
no way i can afford the real console, you know.

and what about emulating the gp32? or gba? i know gba would be though, cause of all those special effects and all, but never really got into gp32, so i can't tell.

And finnally, any word on comercial games? seems like there won't be any comercial game at the release of the system...if any commercial games will ever be released for the system first.

Thank you,

Ps: First Post! :lol:
Pss: excuse my english, i'm french. :rolleyes:
NEOGEO -> Possible.
GBA -> Very possible.
GP32 -> Not very likely.

I haven't heard anything on actual commercial games yet.
NEOGEO -> is a possibility. RAM upgraded to 64megs (almost) solely for this so it better work out.

GBA -> Likely, but how well is still questionable.

GP32 -> GPH does not own the rights over GP32. It's out of question...

I think we're almost sure on SNES, like 90% sure.
GP32 -> GPH does not own the rights over GP32. It's out of question...
GPH doesn't have rights over Neo-Geo or Nintendo either :P that doesn't stop emulation. It's just that GP32 emulation isn't very evolved and I don't think the GP2X is up to it.
polooo2 posted on Sep 6 2005 at 03:18 AM said:
GP32 -> GPH does not own the rights over GP32. It's out of question...

That won't stop some clever hacker from making a GP32 emulator if it is possible. It wouldn't be an emulator as much as a re-mapper. The CPU is the same and the graphics and sound chip in the GP32 was pretty rudimentary. The Amiga could emulate a macintosh in software and it was full speed on a 7MHz system as they used the same CPU and the mac at the time had very simple hardware and used the 68000 for most things. This would kind of be like that.
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GPA makes a GP32's CPU think its a GBA one and run GBA code directly on the CPU. And GP2X and GP32 cpus are even more similar (i.e. they're identical) so there's little reason why the same trick couldn't be used. It would however take some time for it to arrive, simply because you'd have to write the emu without Linux... which means we'd better cross our fingers that mr_spiv, mr_mirko, squidge, and chui (and anyone else who feels like it) feel up to some experimentational hackage!
Most commercial games on GP32 really aren't very good. A few are, like Her Knights and Blue Angelo (never played it but heard it's good). But most aren't so good, have serious flaws and/or feel incomplete.

The best stuff on GP32 is definitely the emus and homebrew games IMO. And hopefully over time the GPx2 will catch up very well on all that, so a GP32 emu might not be that useful.
Really as far as the idea of a NeoGeo emulator running at full speed sounds great the prospects of which are better than that of seeing a GP32 emulator at all.

Realize it would make more since to concentrate on emulating a machine that DID something rather than emulate a system that's sole surviving purpose is to emulate other machines.

The GP2x is going to have every emulator and more than the GP32 so in a phrase it would be a waste to emulate the GP32. For what would you emulate it? The one or two playable commercial games? I can see if there was something exclusive to the GP32 that many couldn't live without but there is nothing of the sort.

The GP2x is seen by most as the successor to the GP32, as the history of successors go where one wasn't backwards compatible it makes very little since to even attempt an emulator. Now we could see the reason for the Gamecube to emulate 64 games or the 64 to emulate SNES games if these things would have been possible you could see the reasoning behind it. Hell it makes more since to try and emulate an Atari Jaguar. :unsure:

Hell I dont know but it seems to me like a monumental waste of time, time better spent on emulators with purpose. GBA, SNES, NEOGEO,,,,,,,,,,PS1 ohh the possibilities. :)

gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console
Now we could see the reason for the Gamecube to emulate 64 games or the 64 to emulate SNES games if these things would have been possible you could see the reasoning behind it.

well the revolution will be able to play them all. -_-
well, there's some gp32 ports of various games. and i don't own a gp32. though i would like to get these ports running. Yes, they can redo the port, if it can add something, or use the power of the machine, but if nothing can be changed, 'cause it's a perfect port or something,
i think it would be pointless to report it, in a way. what about gp32 hombrew games? i don't want to emulate the gp32 for emulators, it would be pointless, and we all know that, but i would emulate it for things i've missed, such as hombrew and commercial games.

Anyway, can we hope for a (near) perfect emulator for neo-geo, or we can just forget it? yeah, i know it's too early to tell, but i'd like to not get false ideas.
Prophet posted on Sep 6 2005 at 12:13 PM said:
Most commercial games on GP32 really aren't very good. A few are, like Her Knights and Blue Angelo (never played it but heard it's good). But most aren't so good, have serious flaws and/or feel incomplete.

Just because they arnt very good dosen't mean there's no call to emulate these games. The whole purpose of emulation (besides creating a bunch of free games :P) is to keep these titles availible to anyone interested in playing them otherwise half the stuff in MAME wouldnt exist.

I still hope to buy a couple of the better commercial games for the GP32 but should I not beable to get a hold of them in some way, Emulation will be the only thing to fall back on and especially if my GP32 ever stops working.
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If an indy developer makes a GP32 emu for GP2X, it might happen,

but as far as GPH officially supporting backward compatability is still out of the question.

As far as it is concerned, GP hates GPH. Don't ask me how I know this or why they hate each other as the info I know must stay disclosed, but the fact is GP hates GPH and will try legal action if GPH does something funny.

So GP32 emu for 2X by GPH is still outta question. :P