Neo Geo Cd + Sound?

Mr. Anderson

Oct 17, 2005
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I've heard you can have sound with your Neo Geo CD games on the gp2x. Well since the readme is written in korean and I don't have a clue what it means: Does anyone know where to put the mp3s of the neo geo cd games so you can have sound while playing?
Last I heard you could play the BGM's for a given game, but not the SFX. The installs a little queer but Im sure if you search the forums you'll find a howto pretty quickly.
search these boards, there were instructions in a thread I read not so long ago.... it has to do with creating a folder and putting all of your mp3's in that folder, but i can't remember what you have to call it.....
garengarch posted on Dec 19 2005 at 03:06 PM said:
put in your mp3's in a folder called neocd.mp3, in your rom folder
obviously, you'll need a different rom folder for every game...

edit: spolling
why? I have all of my games in the same folder and all of their music in the same neocd.mp3. It works fine....

About zipped roms:
yes, you do. This is a good thing as many neocd games are very large....
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i have it like this

- metal slug/ (special folder for the metal slug game)
- metal slug/metal (zipped rom files without mp3-files)
- metal slug//neocd.mp3/all mp3- files (sub folder for the mp3-files, put all mp3 files that come with the game in this folder)

ps: mp3-support does not work with all roms. works fine with pulstar and metal slug 2
chaos engineer posted on Dec 19 2005 at 04:29 PM said:
i have it like this

- metal slug/                                  (special folder for the metal slug game)
- metal slug/metal                (zipped rom files without mp3-files)
- metal slug//neocd.mp3/all mp3- files  (sub folder for the mp3-files, put all mp3 files that come with the game in this folder)

thanks works fine now. Pulstar runs quite good @280mhz too :D
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Why is there no sound effects out of curiosity. Is it because of the coder hasnt done it yet or was it based on another linux emulator and the gp2x sound chip isnt supported etc?

Once they sort out all the unbelievable bugs with it and offer a concave joypad (or someone makes an easy swap for a xbox one etc) then I will buy one as portable neogeo games etc will be great.