I dont think anyone has got round to opening out the second core yet!
DUDES, its going to be sweet as when devs can utilize both cpus!
Dont know what battery life would be like then mind... But i reckon that once both cpus are running perfectly together and devs make the most of them... i think that -
Neo Geo pocket will be done perfectly
As will...
Neo geo MVS/AES (its not far from that ALREADY!!)
Gameboy.. Anyone seen gnuboy yet??
Gameboy Advance.. if anyone got things to work on the gp32.. its only a matter of time really..
SNES, ah come on now! If you can do NEO GEO, or even PSX, Snes isnt impossible to get 100%!!!!
Mega CD, all depending on the roms and access methinks.
PSX... hmmm... never. Never will it reach a speed to good playability on 3d games. (of which we ALL want to have a PSX emu for!!) of course, castelvania is a hope
The graphics may be great at this speed so far (like fskp 11247) but when you start speeding the thing up its going to start seriously doing some wierd stuff. At a SLOW speed, the gp2x can work things out like that.. but there is SO much to consider.. without even having SOUND. Once the sound kicks in your ps1 games might as well be still pictures!
Also, take a look at the wiki, tells you basicaly whats possible etc..
DUDES, its going to be sweet as when devs can utilize both cpus!
Dont know what battery life would be like then mind... But i reckon that once both cpus are running perfectly together and devs make the most of them... i think that -
Neo Geo pocket will be done perfectly
As will...
Neo geo MVS/AES (its not far from that ALREADY!!)
Gameboy.. Anyone seen gnuboy yet??
Gameboy Advance.. if anyone got things to work on the gp32.. its only a matter of time really..
SNES, ah come on now! If you can do NEO GEO, or even PSX, Snes isnt impossible to get 100%!!!!
Mega CD, all depending on the roms and access methinks.
PSX... hmmm... never. Never will it reach a speed to good playability on 3d games. (of which we ALL want to have a PSX emu for!!) of course, castelvania is a hope
Also, take a look at the wiki, tells you basicaly whats possible etc..