Need Mirror: Psx4gp2x Build 072407


GP Mania
Oct 1, 2007
Canberra, Australia
Sorry if this is spammy but could someone please mirror Psx4gp2x build 072407 for me?

I've been compiling a list of playable games on psx4gp2x (and their optimal settings) and I would like to test on both build 080407 and build 072407.... since I prefer the progressive interlace and some games seem to run better on the 07**** builds.

Zoddtds site is pretty useless at the moment. I managed to get build 070207 (doesn't allow cpu cycle tweaking, etc) off the but that seems to be the newest they've got.... all other googling has been futile.
Thanks for your help. Yea those links will be useful, pity that build 072407 isn't there but.

Edit: Hmmm looking at the changelog it seems 073107 is the last 07**** build.... If anybody could mirror that i would also be much obliged.
You can get build 072407 from the GPain website. Click on the little grey folder icon to download
Ahh thanks, that'll do nicely.
Sorry, no 073107 here. Only 072407 and 071307!

Thats ok. Im pretty sure 073107 has much more in common with the 08**** builds, so its probably not worth testing it.

I'll post the tests somewhere on the board when I'm finished.

so, how's you list going? do you still work on it?
Yea about that, it was going along fine except i hit a small hiccup.... my laptop got fried by lightning. Luckily i backed up most my dev/work, but its still a major hassle. Within the next 2 weeks i should start doing some more testing.

I tested with an OC of 275mhz, RAM Timings ON and Sound OFF. Generally, I regard "playable" as maintaining in game >50% Real fps (compared to an actual PSX) with an interlacing <= 1.

Games I've tested and regard as playable:
  • Aliens 3 Trilogy
  • Grand Theft Auto
  • Wipeout 2097
  • Wipeout 3... really awesome looking game, also i think it uses some form of delta time.... so it handles frameskip itself.
  • Tactics Ogre
  • Einhander
  • Raiden Project
  • Oddworld: Abe's Oddysey
Games I've tested and regard as unplayable:
  • Ridge Racer.... strangely runs about 2x fps on older build but still unplayable
  • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Still to test (meaning i have the isos but haven't done anything):
  • Castlevania Chonicle
  • Command & Conquer
  • Final Fantasy Origins
  • Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Grand Theft Auto 2
  • Knockout Kings 2001
  • Red Alert
  • Resident Evil 2
  • Tales of Destiny
  • Theme Hospital
  • Tomb Raider
  • Worms Armageddon
The actual document Im writing has much more detailed information.... like optimal PSX clock & cycle, Interlace, Actual Fps range, a playability rating out of 10 & Tests with different builds.
Sounds a really useful project - dunno how many can o/c to 275, but it will still give a guide for those that can only do 240).

Wonder what happened wrt Hilde taking over Zodttd's work..?
oops, sorry to hear that adventus, it's funny how things like that only happen at the worst possible moment (murphy's law :P )
anywayz it's coming along nicely, can't wait for the final list, thx :)

kevcal said:
Wonder what happened wrt Hilde taking over Zodttd's work..?
yeah, i've been wondering about that, too. i can't blame him for not releasing anything, as far as i can understand, psx emulation can't get any faster..
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Last I heard Zodttd had ported it to an iPhone or some such device.