Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
wow, i forgot about that. thats one of the games I will definitely be getting.
Angel posted on Aug 22 2005 at 06:04 PM said:capable of running them, maybe, but at the quality of UMD, i think not.
I have both the DS and the PSP and i can tell you that they both suck ass. First i want to say i use both of these for commercial use.
Since I bought the DS at launch, i own 2 games, Mario 64 and Nanostray. Mario 64 is fun til you beat it and the minigames are ok for something to do here and there. Nanostray is ok until you beat it, which takes 40 mins, and then it's pretty much worthless unless your a high score freak and like repeating the same levels over and over and over again.
I got the PSP shortly after launch and got Twisted Metal, good game, still fun to play online, but reading the reviews of all the other games, none really interest me.
I guess it's all on your personal preferences. NDS seems to have lots of cutsey games, puzzle games. so if that your thing, then should be a no brainer. PSP seems to have an over abundance of Racing games, and not enough of anything else, or quality for that matter, but seems to be the prime piece of hardware for emulation and multimedia playback, so if thats your thing, no brainer.
If your like me and want some cool commercial games, action, adventure and no f*cking Nintendogz bull shit, then sorry, both systems i feel lack in this dept.
Ganepark32 posted on Aug 23 2005 at 10:05 AM said:The zelda game that the rumors on the internet are about is a version of Four Swords for DS. I remember reading somewhere bout someone from nintendo talking bout it. But it'll be a totally different version to the gba and gamecube ones. still kinda crappy as i would have liked a whole new 3d zelda. Oh well. U may also want to keep an eye out for any news on SSB DS. Iwata-san announced that they are making a ds version of it and that it will be online enabled. And hopefully sega's sercet online rpg that they are working on for ds will turn out to be Phantasy star online.
deadlychicken22 posted on Aug 23 2005 at 04:37 PM said:Ganepark32 posted on Aug 23 2005 at 10:05 AM said:The zelda game that the rumors on the internet are about is a version of Four Swords for DS. I remember reading somewhere bout someone from nintendo talking bout it. But it'll be a totally different version to the gba and gamecube ones. still kinda crappy as i would have liked a whole new 3d zelda. Oh well. U may also want to keep an eye out for any news on SSB DS. Iwata-san announced that they are making a ds version of it and that it will be online enabled. And hopefully sega's sercet online rpg that they are working on for ds will turn out to be Phantasy star online.
Here is what egm said in their september 2005 magazine:
"As the main man in charge of all things Zelda, Aonuma also has a role in Link's next portable adventure, already well under way for Nintendo's DS handheld (expect an official announcement soon). 'What I can tell you,' he says, 'is that it's going to use the touch screen for a very unique control system that people have never experienced in a Zelda game before.' How so? 'I think one of the important elements of the Zelda series has always been that you feel like you're in the world doing the things that Link is doing and touching the things that Link is touching,' he says. 'This time you'll be able to use the touch screen and actually touch those items and objects yourself.' And while Aonuma confirms DS Zelda will NOT be a Four Swords title or a multiplayer game, he won't say a word about the graphics. 3D? 2D? Both? Cartoony? Realistic? He laughs: 'You'll have to look foward to hearing about that.'"
shinneri posted on Aug 23 2005 at 03:07 AM said:I can't wait to pick up Nintendogs (Chihuahua version). Thing is, I am one of those who love quirky, sometimes cutesy games. Knowing that, the DS is obviously a good choice for me.
UMD movies cost as much as a DVD and very often don't include any extra features (and if they do, usually not as much as the DVD has). Why someone would purchase them when portable DVD players are now cheap and abundantly available, I'll never know. But it seems they're selling. Encoding them yourself might be nice, but I've never tried that..
The PSP is a nice system, and I look forward to the time that a good game is released for it (heh), but that has not happened yet (Ridge Racer's nice... but hardly reason to own a system). At the moment, my PSP is a portable SNES. Once I get a GPx2 (or if 2.0 gets cracked), it'll become a sweet portable web browser... Some day, it might just be a good video game console, too.![]()
..But for now, DS wins.