Release Navit


Mega GP Mania
May 24, 2008
This works as well as I can test. I compiled it with gpsd support but since I don't have a USB gps I can't confirm that it works. It complains that it can't find one, so at least I know it is trying.

Maps can be created on your desktop with the standard Navit maptool or whatever. The build comes with a default map of Munich just so you can see what's going on. To add your own maps, create a "maps" directory in the "pandora/appdata/navit" directory on your SD card and drop the created bin and XML files in there.

If anyone can actually get a GPS unit working that'd be awesome.
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Nice!, unlike my attempt at porting this a while ago this one launches...

Will need to test my bluetooth GPS out later with this, I have gotten it to work with foxtrotgps before..
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Getting it working with the USB GPS is going to take a bit of work...

My first issue was that the kernel driver needed to interface with it isn't loaded by default.  (although it is there, so "sudo modprobe pl2303" fixed that)

My main issue though is that as best I can tell no-one has packaged gpsd in a PND,  and it can't be installed with opkg in the current firmware. 

Am looking at dependencies for it now in the Ångström repo to see if I can install it manually. (and maybe package it up...)

If anyone can point out somewhere I may have missed gpsd having been packaged previously that would be appreciated. :)

- Neelix
Well I successfully started gpsd, and it is reading my GPS device. 

That done,  I started Navit.  Instead of showing me Munich it showed me a blue circle  on an otherwise blank screen. (I have no local maps installed)

Choosing Actions from the menu shows my current Lat and Lon correctly so I'd say it reads my USB GPS unit just fine. :)

- Neelix
Cool. If you can tell me what was needed I can add it to the Navit PND. Or you can release a separate "service" PND so it can be used with other nav software.
The process is currently kind of messy... I'm still trying to find a relatively clean solution. I'll see what I can do about crating a "service" PND. I have a few ideas on how to make it work.

I have it running, finding my GPS and getting coordinates, but it is not finding the map file, and I'm not finding the xml file.

Where does the XML file get put? On my desktop the XML file is huge. I'm not keen on typing that whole thing in, and I'm not sure it is appropriate for the Pandora anyway.

btw, I had previously installed gpsd by following the instructions here:

The other GPS programs are in the menu under "education". This one gets put under accessories. Perhaps Geography, GPS, Navigation, or something a bit more relevant would be a better choice to put all of them in.
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Once you've created your map file, copy the XML and bin files into the "appdate/navit/maps" directory. You may need to create the "maps" directory first.
Here is my XML file that I used back when I had Navit compiled on Pandebian about a year ago.

I used a Bluetooth-connected GPS.


  • navit.xml
    192.3 KB · Views: 467
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Once you've created your map file, copy the XML and bin files into the "appdate/navit/maps" directory. You may need to create the "maps" directory first.
Well, that is precicely the problem, where is the XML file I'm supposed to copy? Is it somewhere burried in the PND?
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here is what should be inside the .xml based on the Munich map sample :

<map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/your_map.bin" />

If the app doesn't start it means you mistyped something in the .xml file.

I would be nice to have a document file that explains how to control/navigate with this app. Also I need to ask if the maptool program is somehow included inside the app in order to convert .osm maps to .bin. I'll keep testing it a bit.
How does one run a PND file from the command line? Be nice if I could get some error messages to get me a clue what is going wrong.
Check /tmp/pndrun_navit.out
edit: I see, you're trying to process OSM XML data directly. You need to pass that through maptool. maptool is included in the PND (start navit and then go to /mnt/utmp/navit) or you can use a desktop version to output a bin. Create an XML file with the single line

<map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/my_map.bin" />Where "my_map.bin" is the name you gave your map. Create a "maps" directory in the appdata/navit directory and stick both the bin and the XML file there.
edit edit: This should help
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Also would be great if .xml files become self-generated after placing any .bin file inside appsata/navit/maps intead  of doing it manually for each map. not sure if that is possible though. 
Hmm, I guess I could write a small script which scans the maps directory and rebuilds an XML file based on that before starting navit.
One thing I ran into trouble with...

It sets the default country for address searching to match the locale set in the LANG environment variable. You can change it on a one-off basis within the program, but it will revert with every new search. (once you have completed a search)

The locale on the firmware is set to en_US by default. I had manually changed mine to en_GB as that provided the settings I needed, and the en_AU locale isn't installed in the default firmware image. (either is en_CA for that matter)

My first thought was to set LANG to en_AU for navit only by overriding the run script and setting it there... The only trouble is that that stopped the maps from loading. (though navit itself will load, show the correct locale, and indicate that the correct mapfile is loaded)

I ended up having to install the package locale-base-en-au with opkg in order to be able to have my locale set as AU and still be able to view my maps.

- Neelix
here is what should be inside the .xml based on the Munich map sample :

<map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/your_map.bin" />

If the app doesn't start it means you mistyped something in the .xml file.

I would be nice to have a document file that explains how to control/navigate with this app. Also I need to ask if the maptool program is somehow included inside the app in order to convert .osm maps to .bin. I'll keep testing it a bit.
The moving of the navit.xml file from $NAVIT_SHAREDIR/ to $NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps, and stripping out the other lines in the xml file ("<mapset> </mapset>) got the maps to work.

I did not need to do anything to the bin file I got from to make it work.

Now if I can just figure out how to use this program :p
This explains some of what the menu items do

Apparently we must create buttons for the gui ourselves:

This means editing the xml file. Can we do this with the minimal xml file in the maps directory? or must we edit the main xml file hidden in the PND?

I think it would be nice to have a default set of buttons enabled for the Pandora. It is kind of odd that the default for this program is to be without any controls at all.
I figured out why I can't zoom in or out.

The default zoom control is a scroll wheel on a mouse. The pandora does not have a scroll wheel. :(