Release Navit

works perfectly big thanks !


<map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/your_map.bin" />

can also be altered to:

<map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/*.bin" />

this should include all maps of the directory
I've been using:

<!-- If you dont want to use the sample map, either set enabled="no" in the next line or remove the xml file from the maps directory -->
<mapset enabled="yes">
<xi:include href="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/*.xml"/>

and putting my maps along with an xml file that contains:

<map type="binfile" data="%NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/mapfilename.bin"/>

for each mapfilename.bin in the .../navit/maps directory

same result.
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I will try out the additional  map - xml. Yesterday i noticed that the * only includes the first map of the folder :(
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i recently found a osm-mapnik like renderer xml configuration:

absolute paths like

<icon src="/home/netbook/.navit/poi/png/amenity_firestation3.n.24.png"/>

need to be replaced by

<icon src="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/.navit/png/amenity_firestation3.n.24.png"/>

and combined it with the previously introduced osd. now navit looks and feels much better.
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  • osm_mapnik.xml
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  • osm_mapnik_hdpi.xml
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Wilhelm I must admit that I am not really up to date here, but I have some questions. Did you manage to get a Bluetooth device working? and would you like to share your Navit configs for this? Maybe even how you got a Bluetooth device working, if you done so? It never worked for me.. never ever..
Wilhelm I must admit that I am not really up to date here, but I have some questions. Did you manage to get a Bluetooth device working? and would you like to share your Navit configs for this? Maybe even how you got a Bluetooth device working, if you done so? It never worked for me.. never ever..
For sure I can do this. I attached my current navit.xml. I use a bluetooth GPS device for routing. To pair it with my pandora i created this config file  /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf

# RFCOMM configuration file.

rfcomm0 {
# # Automatically bind the device at startup
bind no;
# # Bluetooth address of the device
device 00:02:76:C7:A5:6B;
# # RFCOMM channel for the connection
channel 1;
# # Description of the connection
# comment "Nokia_GPS";

To get the device ID of your bluetooth GPS try  'hcitool scan'.

To pair your device after you adjusted rfcomm.conf type

rfcomm connect 0

Navit itself is able to communicate with a gps device gpsd is not necessary. Make sure that you pair the device before starting navit. Sometimes it takes minutes until you get a satfix. Be patient the first time. The provided navit.xml is  configured without gpsd. cause i struggled several times to get navit working with gpsd.

Hope i could help


  • navit.xml
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oh ehm please modify the maps section in navit.xml.

<mapset enabled="yes">
  <map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/navitmap_osm_DE.bin" />
  <map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/oestereich_12_2014.bin" />
  <map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/strasbourg_2_9_2014.bin" />
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would it be hard to update the navit.pnd? The release navit 0.5.0 5339 is a few years old. Right now i miss some features of newer versions.
I had been using a bluetooth GPS for years. I just bought a g-mouse (usb GPS receiver), an I have found it is much easier to use.
One needs the GPSD package installed. The one in the pandora repo comes with a tool called GPSD-runner as as desktop icon. After booting, one needs to use the GPSD-Runner tool to stop the GPSD daemon, select the correct tty device (for mine it was ttyACM0), and then start the GPSD daemon.
Unlike bluetooth, this survives hibernating the pandora, so one only needs to run Navit after waking the pandora rather than restarting the bluetooth subsystem, and reconnecting to the bluetooth receiver.
The receiver I bought has the U-BLOX7 GPS/GLONASS receiver IC in it.

Notes: One can not plug the g-mouse directly into the pandora, it is a full speed device, and the full sized connector only does high speed. Besides, if you do plug it in there, the antenna is aimed at the ground.
One needs either a USB hub to translate the full speed signaling to high speed signaling (an unpowered 2 port hub would work fine), or a mini-A to USB-A adapter cable to plug into the mini-ab on the go port that does support full speed signaling. (note that mini-A connectors are no-longer being made, and most adapters that are made are made with the mini-B connector. This is what I have, and it works fine).
It seems that Navit is less stable with the USB g-mouse. I ran into multiple instances where Navit just stopped updating. I had to close Navit and re-start it before it would work.