I have been unable to copy/transfer files to or from the nand on my wiz and was wondering if I could format it and them just install the new firmware of the SD card as usual.
The NAND is problematic with Vista and 7. Don't know the cause exactly but you have to plug it into an XP machine right click it, Tools tab, and under Error-checking click Check now. This will fix it. The error checker is also in Vista and 7 but simply will not run through in my experience. I reccomend only using XP or Linux when dealing with the Wiz NAND.
The NAND is problematic with Vista and 7. Don't know the cause exactly but you have to plug it into an XP machine right click it, Tools tab, and under Error-checking click Check now. This will fix it. The error checker is also in Vista and 7 but simply will not run through in my experience. I reccomend only using XP or Linux when dealing with the Wiz NAND.
No Dice, same issues on XP as on 7 it won't complete the disk check and when I try and copy it tells me that the parameters are incorrect or it can't read the source disk. Again is it possible to format the nand (thus erasing every thing files and OS and starting clean) and then reinstall/update the frimware the usual way on the SD card or does it need the previous firmware to install.
you need to reflash the firmware to reset the NAND. formatting does not work. search the forum, there are several threads about how reflashing firmware...
When errors are found in any filesystem it is mounted in read-only mode in Linux. Perhaps you have logical errors in your NAND, caused by power off while writing to the memory, or not to disconnect the device correctly in Windows.
Take care when reflashing your Wiz, charge the battery full and install the same version that you have. Don't format the NAND, but I think can't be done.
Ok thanks for the advice, I've flash the firmware once before (on my previous wiz before it developed dead pixels). Oh and should I use a standard SD card cause I've heard things about people having issues with SDHC cards and flashing the firmware.