Can't Remeber The Name Of The Game........


May 11, 2007
Outer Heaven!
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Dear readers,

Ok before I start I just wnat to say that this question is kinda out there so forgive me. About 6 or 7 years ago I remeber playing this text based adventure game for the computer at a friends house. I can't seem to remeber the name of the game and really want to find it (by finding the name), but I do remeber what the games story was about and what it kinda looked like. It was (again) a text based adventure game, where you played the part of a girl visiting (what I think was) her grandfather in his mansion. When arriving you look through a key hole and see him get killed (you can't see who killed him). When laying in bed your dad takes ( if I remeber correctly) a yellow book off of the shelf and it opens the door and he disappears. You proceed to look aroung the house and find matches and garlic. There is a really perverted guy in the gardeners shed out side that is afraid of the garilic. Again I know this is a really weird and randomized discription of the game,b utif you know what game it is please tell me. The game accually had graphics to it so you could see what was going on. I think it might have also been part of a series because I remeber my neighbor having a version of it on his computer were you played as the dad and your in a jungle. Thanks for your help.

-Spadoof :gp2x

P.S.: Sorry again for the bad disscription.

Pretty sure the game you're talking about is HUGO II - Whodunnit?

You can get it here

Think this link is ok to post.... :P


THATS IT! I've been trying to figure this out for years but never got around to asking on this site. Thanks so much. I finally have a chance ot beat it.

Much Thanks,
-Spadoof :gp2x