Has Anyone Used Yewnes On The N-gage?

Once again, warez requests are forbidden on this board. <_<
No one will answer your question for where you can download roms.
This topic will just be closed by one of the mods. :P
Quiest Posted Today, 06:26 PM
Once again, warez requests are forbidden on this board.
No one will answer your question for where you can download roms.
This topic will just be closed by one of the mods.

Dont be stupid hes not askin that. Hes askin how to get yewnes to find the roms. I think :blink: . I have used yewnes b4 and it worked but cant remember much about it. Im sure if you read the read me you will find out what to do.
Then he should write clearly what he wants. Because for me (I`m german), this sounds like he wants to know a place to download roms.

If I have misunderstood the question, I apologise.
maybe you should ask on a ngayge board instand a gp32 one? i think people there can help you better/faster
CUPC4KES posted on Oct 3 2004 at 07:35 PM said:
hi, im having trouble locating roms on yewnes for n-gage. does anyone know what im supposed to do?? cheers

'nuff said
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Hmmm, it works fine on my Nokia 3650. I think it has a specific place it looks for the ROMs...I think it needs to be yewnes/nes or yewnes/roms, or something like that, where yewnes is the install directory. Check the readme, if one is available.
nintendo dipshit

ok, ill stop spamming now.

what r sum good commercial games for the n-gage? and is it true that sonic n is just a shittyer version of sonic adv.?