Beta Mythtvplayer


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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Im really glad to post that mythtvplayer with a couple of hacks from the linux version I helped port is now also working on the pandora.

Now the details...doesnt work so well with the current wifi speeds. But i was able to test on a usb adapter and SD recordings and live tv are playing. The recordings are mpeg2 and mythtvplayer reports streaming at 3.2 mbps. (note its reports >2 mbps through wifi)
So my hope is that if wifi improves (as i expect it will) the pandora should be able to stream content from a mythbackend.

For those that dont know, this is a frontend player for mythtv. It mainly meant for windows since at the time windows really didnt have a frontend. But the source is basically cross compatible with linux (I had to submit some patches to finish the job on the latest svn). Its ideal for the pandora cause its light weight, uses fltk2 for gui and ffmpeg for decode, sdl for playback presentation.

This is one the big dreams ive had for pandora since it was conceived. I do a video for this in the near future ;-)
Pickle said:
Im really glad to post that mythtvplayer with a couple of hacks from the linux version I helped port is now also working on the pandora.

Now the details...doesnt work so well with the current wifi speeds. But i was able to test on a usb adapter and SD recordings and live tv are playing. The recordings are mpeg2 and mythtvplayer reports streaming at 3.2 mbps. (note its reports >2 mbps through wifi)
So my hope is that if wifi improves (as i expect it will) the pandora should be able to stream content from a mythbackend.

For those that dont know, this is a frontend player for mythtv. It mainly meant for windows since at the time windows really didnt have a frontend. But the source is basically cross compatible with linux (I had to submit some patches to finish the job on the latest svn). Its ideal for the pandora cause its light weight, uses fltk2 for gui and ffmpeg for decode, sdl for playback presentation.

This is one the big dreams ive had for pandora since it was conceived. I do a video for this in the near future ;-)
Sounds cool.Should be useful.You guys do so much work and its appreciated.Look forward to that video sometime
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Pickle, this is awesome, I wasn't expecting any pre-release mythtv stuff. Here's hoping that the WIFI can keep up with you.

I've used mythtv player back when I had a working windows pc and I think this is a really smart way to handle it. Even a standalone mythfrontend installation is overkill for a Pandora IMO, so a nice lightweight interface is a good idea.

When I was thinking about this before, I also wondered about mythstreamtv since that allows on the fly transcoding - good for streaming over the internet (or if WIFI stays at internet speeds).

Great work.

This is one of the reasons I bought my Pandora - remote viewing of my MythTV box. This is great news and I hope it is one of the applications that is regularly updated and pnd'd for easy use. If I could decide where some of the dev funds I contributed when I ordered would go this would be a project I would want to include.
This is pretty awesome. I was wondering if MythTV would be an option on the Pandora. And wow, it looks like it is!

I was wondering now that WiFi issues have been resolved, does this mean the built-in WiFi will be able to handle MythTV streams.

I am happy to do heavy testing and provide feedback and such with this app once I get my Pandora.
I'd like to know more about whats involved in setting up the backend .. do you have to have cable/satellite and working video input technology on your linux box, or is it enough to just point the backend at some sort of website and start downloading TV shows? I'm really not familiar with any of this MythTV stuff (we don't have a TV in our house .. well there is one on the Oric Atmos but its only a monitor..), so it'd be nice to get a newbie guide from the perspective of using it all with the Pandora .. some day soon ..
If you are interested in setting up a backend Mythtv Server I would highly recommend that you should look for Mythbuntu. Quite a nice Distri for Mythtv :)
torpor said:
I'd like to know more about whats involved in setting up the backend .. do you have to have cable/satellite and working video input technology on your linux box, or is it enough to just point the backend at some sort of website and start downloading TV shows? I'm really not familiar with any of this MythTV stuff (we don't have a TV in our house .. well there is one on the Oric Atmos but its only a monitor..), so it'd be nice to get a newbie guide from the perspective of using it all with the Pandora .. some day soon ..

the typical setup includes some sort of method to capture be it capture cards, firewire which are used to capture video from a cable/sat source.
Before comcast went digital on me, I had 2 capture devices pvr150 and pvrusb2, now i have a STB that can transfer over firewire and I also have used my pvr150 for capture of a DTA box.
Setup of a backend usually includes setting up capture inputs, mysql database, configuring data souces (channel listing data). Do some searching and you will come across guides.

It can take a day or 2 to get things going pretty well.
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Yay thank you pickle! This is certainly the creamtopping on the Pandora (especially Live-TV!). I will beta-test it as hell with my setup :D

Pickle said:
It can take a day or 2 to get things going pretty well.

Took me the equivalent of the Pandora-2-months to get it truly seems now to run stable. So...Torpor if you need help, just ask. I think I know that little bugger pretty well by now. (Got it running with 4 DVB-S2 Cards streaming TV all over the House....soonish :P).
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I'm not going to dive into this right now .. too many other things to do .. but thanks for thinking of me jott, and I'm still very interested in hearing how other people are using MythTV .. seems quite popular among those who have the balls to set it up ..
topor if you use Mythbuntu it it a piece of cake. At least it was to me. Main Problem is mostly the right choose of DVB Hardware. I got 2 DVB Cards a DVB-C and a DVB-S (got a DVB-T Stick to but dont use it right now) and it works like a charm. Ok I do have the Problem that both DVB Card use the same kernel module so if I reboot I have to hope that the order of finding the cards is right otherwise mythtv will try to get a DVB-C signal from the DVB-S card :) But otherwise no problem at all.

/* Edit I am so stupid I could hit myself.. Udev rules for my DVB cards.. I know its way offtopic :) */
This certainly looks cool. On a related note, I have been looking for software that would allow me to use the panda as a remote control for mythtv, a la

It doesn't look like such a thing exists yet, so that looks like a project I might be doing after getting opkg to play nice on the panda.

I'm famously retarded when it comes to designing user interfaces though :huh:
dbr said:
It doesn't look like such a thing exists yet, so that looks like a project I might be doing after getting opkg to play nice on the panda.
I don´t knof if the myth api supports it, but extending the mythmote interface to browse recorded programs on the pandora, and launch them on a frontend would be nice.
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dbr said:
It doesn't look like such a thing exists yet, so that looks like a project I might be doing after getting opkg to play nice on the panda.
I don´t knof if the myth api supports it, but extending the mythmote interface to browse recorded programs on the pandora, and launch them on a frontend would be nice.
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Esn said:
Are there plans to package this into a PND?

I could, but the current version is a bit unstable (actually the linux version in general is), plus i cant get anything to play reliable over the built in wifi.
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