My School Sucks...


Jan 10, 2006
well its my last high school year we got a new dean ... his name Mr. Dutch... his game killing fun but this time I think he has gone alittle to far.. we at my school had a firewall wich blocked myspace... yahoo mail, aol mail and sites like kkk or what ever stuff i didnt need to go to... and things where good and if you really needed to get to one of those sites you used a proxy.. now he desided to block all sites with the "words" game, forum, chat, sex, drug, xbox, ebay and about a million others (and yes it does make even educational proposes hard to do"aka i had to do a powerpoint on GMROM wich was made by sega the word sega was blocked") I found a loop hole but I dont want to tell any one in my school because I told a bunch of people how to use proxys and some one snitched now proxys are blocked... I cant even get to this site unless I use the way i found to get around it... its simple i just got to keep it on the downlow... its pretty cool not only can you go to any site but you are doing it from the computer at your house yup remote access and its through IE so you dont need to download anything on the computer you are useing to get to your desktop at home... it looks just like hyper terminal.just cool my days at looking at these forums wail board at school arnt over :lol:
"wail board at school arnt over "

While, bored aren't ?

Back to English lessons for you my lad.

And while he's at it he could also work on his punctiation ;)

But anyway, school staff is mostly either incompetent or overzealous, seems like this is the second case ^^
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"wail board at school arnt over "

While, bored aren't ?

Back to English lessons for you my lad.

"wail board at school arnt over "

While, bored aren't ? 

Back to English lessons for you my lad.

And while he's at it he could also work on his punctiation ;)

But anyway, school staff is mostly either incompetent or overzealous, seems like this is the second case ^^
sorry i wrote that after a full day of school and work... i was kind of tired and thought i would share my thoughts about how i have to get to this site...
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"wail board at school arnt over "

While, bored aren't ? 

Back to English lessons for you my lad.

"wail board at school arnt over "

While, bored aren't ? 

Back to English lessons for you my lad.

And while he's at it he could also work on his punctiation ;)

But anyway, school staff is mostly either incompetent or overzealous, seems like this is the second case ^^
sorry i wrote that after a full day of school and work... i was kind of tired and thought i would share my thoughts about how i have to get to this site...

What he doesn't mention is he is head of Year 11 and considering applying for Deputy Head.

I would seriously reconsider a move to Senior Management with that attitude.
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"wail board at school arnt over "

While, bored aren't ? 

Back to English lessons for you my lad.

"wail board at school arnt over "

While, bored aren't ? 

Back to English lessons for you my lad.

And while he's at it he could also work on his punctiation ;)

But anyway, school staff is mostly either incompetent or overzealous, seems like this is the second case ^^
sorry i wrote that after a full day of school and work... i was kind of tired and thought i would share my thoughts about how i have to get to this site...

What he doesn't mention is he is head of Year 11 and considering applying for Deputy Head.

I would seriously reconsider a move to Senior Management with that attitude.
what? if you going put me down atleast make sense. I dont understand what you mean by that.
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He's suggesting you're a teacher not a pupil - not to mention that your attitude is a little suspect.

He does have a point - there are sensible ways to deal with this after all.

If the draconian system that the school operates is preventing normal pupils from doing the research they need to do then that is something that needs to be addressed by the school.

Had you even considered getting together as a group and writing a sensibly worded letter on the subject to one of the senior members of staff? Maybe someone who you think is most likely to listen. If you state your case simply and in a non-agressive or childish way then no one can accuse you of being trouble makers and you may get some sympathy from the teachers.

The more you go on finding sly ways around the system the more reasons you give your new Dean to be draconian. The situation then just get's worse and worse until the facilities in school are locked down too tight to be useful to anyone. (a lot of teachers will agree with this - I find it a pain trying to run a IT research lesson when the restrictions on the internet are too tight.)

Do you want to be adults or little children?
Well, it sounds pretty similar to my gay school, except they also removed the use of logos on shirts, and outer jackets in school (GAY!!!). The new dean basically ruined the shool, and, well. Ya, the internet blocker sucks, but a simple recoding of PHP Proxy (I removed all references to proxy and changed around some file names and code, as the school\'s sonic wall filter detected those files). And, I uploaded them with password protection to my friends unlimited bandwidth server, and BOOM. Back to normal. They also decided to block installation of programs, so I just loaded up on portable apps :D (Portable firefox, VLC, etc...)
Well, it sounds pretty similar to my gay school, except they also removed the use of logos on shirts, and outer jackets in school (GAY!!!). The new dean basically ruined the shool, and, well. Ya, the internet blocker sucks, but a simple recoding of PHP Proxy (I removed all references to proxy and changed around some file names and code, as the school\'s sonic wall filter detected those files). And, I uploaded them with password protection to my friends unlimited bandwidth server, and BOOM. Back to normal. They also decided to block installation of programs, so I just loaded up on portable apps :D (Portable firefox, VLC, etc...)
I want the link to that :(
I was going to do one of those, but I never got around to doing one.
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He's suggesting you're a teacher not a pupil - not to mention that your attitude is a little suspect.

He does have a point - there are sensible ways to deal with this after all.

If the draconian system that the school operates is preventing normal pupils from doing the research they need to do then that is something that needs to be addressed by the school.

Had you even considered getting together as a group and writing a sensibly worded letter on the subject to one of the senior members of staff? Maybe someone who you think is most likely to listen. If you state your case simply and in a non-agressive or childish way then no one can accuse you of being trouble makers and you may get some sympathy from the teachers.

The more you go on finding sly ways around the system the more reasons you give your new Dean to be draconian. The situation then just get's worse and worse until the facilities in school are locked down too tight to be useful to anyone. (a lot of teachers will agree with this - I find it a pain trying to run a IT research lesson when the restrictions on the internet are too tight.)

Do you want to be adults or little children?
well this is a good idea and i am not trying to sound like i think its unfair because i can get around it and that all i wanted to to do was share with you how. and its not that big of a deal. Plus i graduade in 83 days or something so it wont even be a problem to me soon. but thanks for the consorn
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well this is a good idea and i am not trying to sound like i think its unfair because i can get around it and that all i wanted to to do was share with you how. and its not that big of a deal. Plus i graduade in 83 days or something so it wont even be a problem to me soon. but thanks for the consorn

:blink: :o

Gramma is a little old Lady ;)
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Well, it sounds pretty similar to my gay school, except they also removed the use of logos on shirts, and outer jackets in school (GAY!!!). The new dean basically ruined the shool, and, well. Ya, the internet blocker sucks, but a simple recoding of PHP Proxy (I removed all references to proxy and changed around some file names and code, as the school\'s sonic wall filter detected those files). And, I uploaded them with password protection to my friends unlimited bandwidth server, and BOOM. Back to normal. They also decided to block installation of programs, so I just loaded up on portable apps :D (Portable firefox, VLC, etc...)
Ours were so ridiculous, it did not let you run any program unless it was on the allowed list.
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Well, it sounds pretty similar to my gay school, except they also removed the use of logos on shirts, and outer jackets in school (GAY!!!). The new dean basically ruined the shool, and, well. Ya, the internet blocker sucks, but a simple recoding of PHP Proxy (I removed all references to proxy and changed around some file names and code, as the school\\\'s sonic wall filter detected those files). And, I uploaded them with password protection to my friends unlimited bandwidth server, and BOOM. Back to normal. They also decided to block installation of programs, so I just loaded up on portable apps :D (Portable firefox, VLC, etc...)
yeah man, every night I thank God a million times for that site. Without it, I may have never been able to go to, or even one of the skool\'s homepages (YES, THEY BLOCKED THAT BY ACCIDENT!!).

And of course, there would be no for me neither :(. But now there is!
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Well, it sounds pretty similar to my gay school, except they also removed the use of logos on shirts, and outer jackets in school (GAY!!!).  The new dean basically ruined the shool, and, well.  Ya, the internet blocker sucks, but a simple recoding of PHP Proxy (I removed all references to proxy and changed around some file names and code, as the school\'s sonic wall filter detected those files).  And, I uploaded them with password protection to my friends unlimited bandwidth server, and BOOM.  Back to normal.  They also decided to block installation of programs, so I just loaded up on portable apps :D (Portable firefox, VLC, etc...)
Ours were so ridiculous, it did not let you run any program unless it was on the allowed list.
who the freak cares god!! its getting pretty anoying.... you can understand it? good! stop freaking bitching.
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Well, it sounds pretty similar to my gay school, except they also removed the use of logos on shirts, and outer jackets in school (GAY!!!). The new dean basically ruined the shool, and, well. Ya, the internet blocker sucks, but a simple recoding of PHP Proxy (I removed all references to proxy and changed around some file names and code, as the school\'s sonic wall filter detected those files). And, I uploaded them with password protection to my friends unlimited bandwidth server, and BOOM. Back to normal. They also decided to block installation of programs, so I just loaded up on portable apps :D (Portable firefox, VLC, etc...)
Ours were so ridiculous, it did not let you run any program unless it was on the allowed list.
who the freak cares god!! its getting pretty anoying.... you can understand it? good! stop freaking bitching.
WTF, what right do you have to randomly attack me like that?
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Well, it sounds pretty similar to my gay school, except they also removed the use of logos on shirts, and outer jackets in school (GAY!!!).  The new dean basically ruined the shool, and, well.  Ya, the internet blocker sucks, but a simple recoding of PHP Proxy (I removed all references to proxy and changed around some file names and code, as the school\'s sonic wall filter detected those files).  And, I uploaded them with password protection to my friends unlimited bandwidth server, and BOOM.  Back to normal.  They also decided to block installation of programs, so I just loaded up on portable apps :D (Portable firefox, VLC, etc...)
Ours were so ridiculous, it did not let you run any program unless it was on the allowed list.
who the freak cares god!! its getting pretty anoying.... you can understand it? good! stop freaking bitching.
WTF, what right do you have to randomly attack me like that?
sorry i quoted the wrong person it was ment to go to the people making fun of me because of the grammer i am really sorry Hanz please forgive me. I think its ridiculous to that you couldnt run programs that arent on a list.

P.S. made all the site avable agein with out me asking guess alot of people did complain
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