To Go To School Or To Work First?

they're fine. Bear in mind that I'm a techie hiring techies, though, a standard HR department probably would want experience (because HR are idiots).

I don't know of any Fortune 500 company whose HR department dictates employment criteria beyond a baseline for criminal records. Our HR performs background checks, posts listings with recruiters, and holds job fairs.

As for experience, it really varies depending on what the position is and what type of industry you're in. In general, even for kids out of school, we prefer that they've had some internship or industry related experience. ...that is, except for the kids we hire as interns.
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they're fine. Bear in mind that I'm a techie hiring techies, though, a standard HR department probably would want experience (because HR are idiots).

I don't know of any Fortune 500 company whose HR department dictates employment criteria beyond a baseline for criminal records. Our HR performs background checks, posts listings with recruiters, and holds job fairs.

As for experience, it really varies depending on what the position is and what type of industry you're in. In general, even for kids out of school, we prefer that they've had some internship or industry related experience. ...that is, except for the kids we hire as interns.

Well like I said there would be 8 weeks of internship in a company, plus I've already had a 2 weeks internship in system administration before (I need that to confirm my professional project), wouldn't you consider that sufficient?
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Well like I said there would be 8 weeks of internship in a company, plus I've already had a 2 weeks internship in system administration before (I need that to confirm my professional project), wouldn't you consider that sufficient?

Absolutely. Remember that it's a competition. Finish your degree, get some internship experience, and you'll find yourself float to the top of the interview pile.
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Well I'm getting the necessary degree no matter what, but to you does it really matter whether or not the candidate has had a professional experience? I'm just trying to determine whether or not I really need that prior experience.
I have hired people straight out of Uni. about 80% of the time. They're cheaper, usually more pro-active, and easier to beat into shape than people who have been coding a long time. If they survive the interview then they're fine. Bear in mind that I'm a techie hiring techies, though, a standard HR department probably would want experience (because HR are idiots).

Right now the market is good for the employees. It's hard to find "good" people, so lots of places don't mind taking people fresh from Uni. Of course the market changes, but I suspect it will be good for a little while yet.
I wish there were more employers like you here in Edmonton. I've been stuck toiling in a shitty tech support job here for the past two years because nobody here will hire someone who doesn't have 3-5 years of experience minimum. There's a really strong job market here right now, but it's all blue collar work. If you're a welder or a carpenter you can name your price but in IT for the most part the best you can do right out of college or university is call centre work and usually all that leads to is more call centre work. There's more qualified people here than there is jobs for them and the market is tough for those of us who don't have the money to move to more tech-friendly cities like Vancouver or Toronto. :(
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Yeah, but then I have to live in Calgary. :P

:-) Calgary isn't so bad. Besides, you can have fun going through the hamster tubes to stay warm. Seriously, I don't think it's too far of a relocation to get a better paid job from where you are.
Honestly, I don't think I could live in Calgary for more than a year or two. I enjoy visiting there when I get the chance but by the end of every trip I'm glad to be leaving. Nothing against Calgarians, it's just not my kind of place.

Edit: Oh yeah, and Calgary has the only 7/11 I've ever found that is actually only open from 7AM to 11PM. What the hell?
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