My Pnds Need More Loves


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008
Hello there,

1) None of my PNDs does contain screenshot. That's fine for me : I'm using XFCE, but for the minimenu users, I'm prety they would love to have screenies.
So I need you to provide me a screenshot (taken on the pandora) for every of my PNDs

2) For some reason I counted my PNDs and I do have 53 publicly availables (about 10 in brewing too, not counting other kind of projects), I wont be able to maintain all this. Ok many are games that wont see update anymore, so these are fines, but others are software that realy need a better maintainer than I can be (too spreaded :p ). So if anyone wants to take over one (or more) of these lets me know, I'll make sure you have all fine to get started (The only one I want to keep is audacious as I'm using it all day long :D , but even this one need more works I've yet to put in)

If there are any (really) easy ones to maintain I would be willing to help! Or at least try and then see if I can handle that with my little programming skills.

Ok, I'll list the easy ones :
- gftp
- liferea (got a new release)
- qorganizer
- xournal

A bit harder :
- minitube
- transmission
- gedit
A big thanks for all your work sebt3; you and others have really packed out the File Archive impressively! I've not done any porting work, nor much compilation even, before, but when I get my Pandora I'd love to give it a go and help out.
I've used the games wiki to re locate and snapshot some of your game ports, so far Bubble chains, Formido, Globulation2, Jag, KDE games, Qnetwalk & Tuxrace, aren't included for now. There's a few stills each of everything else A-Z, if any are of use?
Chaser said:
I've used the games wiki to re locate and snapshot some of your game ports, so far Bubble chains, Formido, Globulation2, Jag, KDE games, Qnetwalk & Tuxrace, aren't included for now. There's a few stills each of everything else A-Z, if any are of use?
I should have said that "all" my work are here :

But thanks a lots
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Thanks to Chaser, these does have a preview pics :
Zelda OLB
Zelda ROTH

Note to Esn : sorry, I'll bump my pnds for these previews pics in the next days, but that's for the miniMenu users ;)
Note to the others, all not maked *** NEW *** on my site are to be done (it doesnt mean that those marked new are done though, but I'll try to maintain a list of done here)
sebt3 said:
Note to Esn : sorry, I'll bump my pnds for these previews pics in the next days, but that's for the miniMenu users ;)
Sure, I guess I won't update their dates then. Maybe you could just tell me which ones are real updates, and I'll only update those (well, or you don't need to tell me, just announce the update in the discussion topics for them).

I'd be happy to make some screenshots when time permits, but I don't know how to do that on the Pandora. I could take photos of the Pandora screen with my camera, if you like.
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I have these pics I did for various emus: But DON'T use the override text files they are broke. The pics are fine though and fit perfect at 1:1. Get from the archive link below, the picture is just a sample.

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DaveC said:
I have these pics I did for various emus: But DON'T use the override text files they are broke. The pics are fine though and fit perfect at 1:1. Get from the archive link below, the picture is just a sample.
I know your emulator image pack... I just dont have any emulator.

Esn said:
Sure, I guess I won't update their dates then. Maybe you could just tell me which ones are real updates, and I'll only update those (well, or you don't need to tell me, just announce the update in the discussion topics for them).
I will ;)

Esn said:
I'd be happy to make some screenshots when time permits, but I don't know how to do that on the Pandora. I could take photos of the Pandora screen with my camera, if you like.
see this.
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Sorry about that, heres the new ones

Let me know if I need to use a different xfce theme, as they are pretty dark.
Chaser said:
Sorry about that, heres the new ones
No need to say sorry.

Chaser said:
Let me know if I need to use a different xfce theme, as they are pretty dark.
yeah, that's way too dark (I didnt cared on last upload as I didnt not included the xfce menu one, even if it helped me to get what was what).

I'll packs these when @home. thanks for your help
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sebt3 said:
DaveC said:
I have these pics I did for various emus: But DON'T use the override text files they are broke. The pics are fine though and fit perfect at 1:1. Get from the archive link below, the picture is just a sample.
I know your emulator image pack... I just dont have any emulator.

Esn said:
Sure, I guess I won't update their dates then. Maybe you could just tell me which ones are real updates, and I'll only update those (well, or you don't need to tell me, just announce the update in the discussion topics for them).
I will ;)

Esn said:
I'd be happy to make some screenshots when time permits, but I don't know how to do that on the Pandora. I could take photos of the Pandora screen with my camera, if you like.
see this.

Thanks. You know, that screenshot script should really be added by default to the firmware...
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DaveC said:
I have these pics I did for various emus: But DON'T use the override text files they are broke. The pics are fine though and fit perfect at 1:1. Get from the archive link below, the picture is just a sample.

They are nice but they still have over 600kb each ;)
Quicker loading times, less memory know... ^^
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Not sure if you have a Pandora already or not but I think some of these images are already being used and within minimenu they cause no noticeable delay to display them once 'Cache previews to SD now' has been run.

DaveC is a big fan of a sleek, fast, well organised and good looking interface that is intuitive, works from the physical controls avoiding the need of the stylus or finger marks via the touchscreen and easily configurable, without messing with the linux side of things in manually browsing folders to mess with config files or .ovr's. In that respect Skeezix has made numerous improvements already, based on DaveC's and others input and things are really getting there. So I doubt DaveC would want to slow the whole lot down again. Though your thinking is of course very valid :)
DaveC.. awesome, all in one place :)

Folks, just an FYI .. if an app has a preview pic and you want to override it, just drop the pic into the same place as the pnd-file, with the same filename (except being .png instread of .pnd) and mmenu will use that one instead.

I need to stuff DaveC's Atari ST one back into the Hatari pnd, I lost it at some point :p

Thought I´d add the script for toggled continuous screengrabs, which is a refinement Timothee on the other forum made to linuxmasters script, further on in the tutorial Sebt3 linked to. It works nicely, as the older one required you to log out/in to switch off the screengrabs. Now its a hotkey toggle. Works in most games/emus but not Psx4 or Pcsx.

Copy the script into mousepad and Save as "<CHOSENNAME>.sh" altering the contents to name the screengrabber and its notification pop up, to what you want, as well as changing the SD Card name and the directory path to the folder you want continuous images to be placed in.

#!/bin/bashPIDFILE=~/.snapsnap.pidif [ -f $PIDFILE ]then    kill $(cat $PIDFILE)    rm $PIDFILE    exit 0else    echo $$ > $PIDFILEfi;i=1while [ $i -le 24 ]do    sleep 10    fbgrab /media/<YOURSDCARDNAMEHERE>/pandora/<PATHTOCHOSENDIRECTORY>/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png    notify-send <CHOSENNAMETODISPLAY> $i    i=`expr $i + 1`done

EDIT: Looks like copying the code in via Pandora posting has borked it. Use the txt at bottom of post instead.

Then follow SomeGuy99 tutorial again and open a terminal in the folder you made this and use the following commands to change its permissions and copy it to the nand.

chmod ugo+rwx <CHOSENNAME>.sh

sudo cp <CHOSENNAME>.sh /usr/bin/<CHOSENNAME>

You can then open a terminal anywhere and test it with "./<CHOSENNAME>.sh"
and if it works then assign it a hotkey, as per the tutorial again.

It should toggle it on, and back off again with the duration between images set by the value used in the line "sleep 10".




if [ -f $PIDFILE ]
kill $(cat $PIDFILE)
exit 0
echo $$ > $PIDFILE

while [ $i -le 24 ]
sleep 10
fbgrab /media/<YOURSDCARDNAMEHERE>/pandora/<PATHTOCHOSENDIRECTORY>/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png
i=`expr $i + 1`
done I made more screens of your apps with a better xfce theme, so you see what the hells what. It dawned on me as I posted the last ones that they were probably useless. Two dumb and dumber moments amidst my myriad :)