Where do you live? Sounds like a pretty bad place :/
Bavaria, Germany. If there's something this state has an abundance of it's bored drunkards in a fighting mood - often combined with political issues. The older they are, the worse. Most aren't stupid and will just wait for you with a few friends around so even if you go the police/lawsuite way, there will simply be more people lying than people saying the truth and that's the end of it as far as the friggin courts are concerned. Been there, done that.
There was the whole team of a McDonald's restaurant in Ratisbon failing to attend several appointments at the police department to be interrogated after I reported their shift supervisor to the police for punching me in the face after serving me hours-old burgers and ignoring me trying to reasonably complain for 15 minutes and having a child (literally, maybe 14-15 years) work at 3:30am in the restaurant who snuck up on me from behind, tore my thumb and hand back and led me to the door. I was laughed at by the police while telling them I had been punched. Young dumbfucks. Then they were angry at me because I didn't capture the 15-year old and let him run away! Sure, wait, let me get assaulted and then I'll do your work. They didn't move an inch into the direction I pointed them in. After I had been interrogated nothing happened for like 6 weeks, then those employees like counter-sued me, of course now all having the perfectly identical stories to tell after having weeks to practice. Apparently I was shouting racist comments and punched them and raged so hard they needed four people to get me out of the door. Me. Weighing in at 58kg at the time. Suuure. For completeness' sake I'll mention that the restaurant is held by a Turkish company and those employees I had the pleasure with were, well not German.
Just while I'm at it, the other McDonald's in Straubing... went in years ago with my gf at that time, like 20 mins before they would regularly close. Ordered, nothing fancy. Nuggets, mcRib, cheeseburgers. Young guy filled the bag, I could see he had been cleaning the area behind the counter before and there was like half an inch of soapy, dirty water sitting on the floor held back from the customers by a ledge. Then this young guy, he looked new and nervous, accidentally grazed the bag with his elbow and it fell into the aforementioned soup. So this Arabian looking bald supervisor guy comes up, smiles a lot, begs for a little patience and asks me and the girl to have a seat at the couch a couple of feet away while they would prepare the new food. He then walked up to us with my bag, walked us to the door, gave me the bag, let us out and immediately locked the door behind us.
On the way home in the car, I grabbed into the bag and took a cheesburger. Ate it, took the next. Reached down further to my McRib, grabbed it - and felt a once delicious sandwhich soaked with fucking soap water. Absolute. White. Hot. Hatred.