My New Short Ut2k4 Movie (16mb)

bump? :( maybe a screenshot will encourage some downloading/commenting.

i downloaded it!

its pretty cool man, you did a really good job in the whole audio-video co-editing, a lot of the time when you see amatuer stuff done then the whole things kinda, out of synch is the best phrase to use!

keep it up man, with subject matter a little more complex than ut i'm sure you can hammer together some good stuff!
don't insult UT! :| :P (the shortness of the video comes from the fact that i couldn't be arsed to make more demos myself at that moment, but i think i'll use some pro 1on1 match demos next time so i have enough source material) thanks for the comment. might take some time till i can get back to editing though, i need a new HD.
It's cool man :). I made a gpcinema version last night but my encoded versions have been a lil garbled lately.

Who's the music? Sounds kinda like The Streets, and what video software did you use?
it actually says at the end that it's Same Old Thing by The Streets :P used FRAPS to capture from the game, Sony Vegas for editing, and VirtualDub for encoding to xvid.

Nah, joking, it's actually quite impressive, the tricks especially. The level is supposed to spartan I guess but some more creative surroundings (especially if they changed through the video) would rock. Music sync is neat but maybe some non-rap music might be more fitting as it's more likely to include build ups or sudden chords or hits or whatever. Also towards the end and at a few points the camera is still, imo you need more aggressive editing to keep it exciting, once again a less repetitive soundtrack might also help. Still, overall it was enjoyable to watch. Just pointers in case you want to spend more than an afternoon on the next one :)
Great video!

Although I agree that you need better music, but I suggest you stay away from all that dance/ techno, its been done to death. Try some Rock, like "another one bites the dust".

I can see it now....
thanks for the suggestions, i'll keep them in mind. i can't see myself doing any vids to rock music though; haven't been listening to any since more than a year now. background music is not something i'll let the viewers decide on :P and i actually didn't even want to make this vid public at first since it was just a test from the beginning, which is why i didn't really spend more time polishing it. but it didn't turn out that bad so what the hell.
Very nice, I though that was brilliantly made. Well done ;)
Especially the wall bouncing bit.
I haven't heard the Streets for ages now.
didnt download it but does anyone else find ut2k4 to be boring? i have to say that halo is a lot better in both the single and multi player. im glad i didnt buy it