christo930 said:
I was bringing in an example from the PC world. We have usable N64 emulation and still no Saturn emulation.
Check out the Saturn emulator called SSF. It's true that Saturn emulation requires a lot more out of a PC than N64 emulation - part of it is because of all the parallelism on Saturn like you said, but the other part is due to high level emulation of the N64. Note that a pure LLE N64 emulator is probably currently slower than Saturn emulation.
christo930 said:
The sound chip and video system wouldn't be said to be running in parallel, that's what I mean. Chip A, B, C or D might do something relying on the output of one of the other chips.
This isn't how these chips run on consoles like SNES. The CPU merely sets up a few things (maps, sprites, voice pitches, what have you) and the video and sound chips go off and work on these things on their own. To add to that fact, the SPC700 on SNES has a full general purpose CPU of its own. While Amiga does have a sort of instruction processor for its blitter, it's very simple (and probably spends most of its time waiting for events)
christo930 said:
I made a mistake when I said 64k colors, it should have been 4096 like you pointed out and that's another point. Very few games use HAM 8 so you can not emulate ham 8 and still have a high percentage of compatability.
You're probably right. And on average SNES games are probably more color dense than Amiga ones (actually, HAM doesn't change this much given the color tricks you can do on SNES).
christo930 said:
Now, granted you could probably say the same thing for mode 7 on the snes.
I don't think so, mode 7 is very common. I would go so far as to say a majority (over 50%) of games use it somewhere, but that's very hard to back up. It's true that most games don't use it constantly (except say, racing games), but it's a pretty central part of SNES emulation.
christo930 said:
There has been a great deal of work done on both systems, lucky for us. I guess in the end they are both complicated to emulate and it's a tribute to the work of the programmers that we can enjoy emulation of both systems, although the Amiga emulation needs some more work. I personally don't think we will ever have full speed high compatability a500 emulation on the gp2x unless both chips are used.
I have a feeling it's attainable in some regard, I just don't think Amiga emulation has exactly been what everyone's jumping to do (for some reason). The funny thing is that UAE started when computers were significantly weaker than GP2X is. As far as I know, it's practically the grandfather of enthusiast emulation on PC and probably predates most major SNES emulators (definitely SNES9x and ZSNES)
I don't know much about Amiga coding to be honest (I only have some idea of how the hardware works), but I have to assume that most apps played somewhat nice with the hardware in order for all of the fancy workbench tricks to go on. I'd say most games stuck to a single resolution for the whole screen and were otherwise pretty straightforward. What if a high level emulation was used that provided the OS services and simply booted games and various applications fullscreen? Think DOSBox or Wine.
Probably 95% of the Amiga games are boot disks and not workbench applications, so I would think that approach wouldn't work. Also, alot of games (certainly not all) didn't play nice and won't work on anything but an A500 (unless you use whdload). Even so, most Amiga games didn't push the machine to the limit, although some did. If I recall correctly you can get more than 32 colors on screen at once by switching the pallete on a scanline basis.
DaveC said:
christo930 said:
. The graphics in games were only 32 colors on-screen out of 4096 at a resolution of only 320x200 (NTSC). Even at that MOST Amiga games were Atari-ST ports that only used 16 colors on screen.
You are right there, the games were often designed for the lowest common denominator. In a way, the atari ST had a really negative effect on the Amiga gaming scene. But there are some games that are Amiga only that really show off what the machine can do.