My GP32 Keyboard....

or like i was thinking, completely disassemble the GP and put the screen up top, and stretch a ribbon cable down through a swivle to make a laptop w/ all the compontants below, but the kb might not fit inbetween the buttons... woah, major resoldering, im in over mi head :)
Well, my soluteion'd be simple. Have the GP32 Bag from entware, since with the GP32 bit open, it holds the thing at a very nice angle no probs, and then simply plug the keyboard in.

Sure, its not attached as it would be to a docking station, but if that angle and distance is good enough for watching Last Exile, its good enough for holding the unit and typing notes into it.
or like i was thinking, completely disassemble the GP and put the screen up top, and stretch a ribbon cable down through a swivle to make a laptop w/ all the compontants below, but the kb might not fit inbetween the buttons... woah, major resoldering, im in over mi head :)
Anyone want to do that? ;) I'd do it if I had the money for another nonFLU GP32 :P
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The problem of making this comfortable would be the biggest challenge. Seeing the k/b in the case made me think. What about a mod to the back of the k/b case to allow the gp32 to slot into it so it stands up? Possible?
thats quite a good idea, but I think the GP32 would be to heavy and just tip the case over.... hhmmm
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The problem of making this comfortable would be the biggest challenge. Seeing the k/b in the case made me think. What about a mod to the back of the k/b case to allow the gp32 to slot into it so it stands up? Possible?
thats quite a good idea, but I think the GP32 would be to heavy and just tip the case over.... hhmmm
Glue a brick to the bottom of the keyboard ;) Or mabye just add a stick hole to the back of the GP32, then get a stick to stick in it :)

          /   \\
        /      \\_____

/ = Stick
\\ = GP32
_ = Chatboard
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OMG I found a good thing to make a stand look like.. I just got my Mini Discs USB Cradle down and stood my GP32 on it and it stands at a almost perfect angle :D

will post pics in a min.,..

Pics of a Stand idea -



thats pretty sweet, i think im gonna look into either finding or making a stand to sell on my site along with the chatboards.
a dude made a wooden 1 ages ago that he tried to sell on ebay :huh:. didnt look too good. i think ur best bet would b to find sumthin that just works as a stand, like steve-o has and sell those.
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