GP32 Clock


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Would It be possible for someone to Program a Clock for the GP32 so I know what time it is when theirs no clock in viewing distance (hehe) ?? :D
Unlike the Neo Geo the GP32 doesn't have a dedicated clock - well, it does, but it turns off when the power turns off.
taras posted on Sep 2 2003 said:
Unlike the Neo Geo the GP32 doesn't have a dedicated clock - well, it does, but it turns off when the power turns off.
Just use the Neo Geo emu :P Well, mabye not ;)
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Has anyone actually investigated the low-power mode of the GP? It would be nice to be able to get it to power down the screen except for a small bit with a clock on running at, say, 0.05MHz...
Or maybe add provisions for a cr2032 (button) battery to keep the previously mentioned GP32 internal clock active. :unsure:

Just a thought. ;)

EDIT: If there is enough space inside for one. :unsure:

Coool... Thanks.... dont think I want to disconnect the pin on the CPU :'(
Vicious_Al posted on Sep 3 2003 said:
Buy a watch. :)
Good Idea :D Or I could just use the clock near my bed...

but I meant it for like, say your going on a train somewhere and u forget your watch (that you have just bought :D) and u have your GP32 with u, u could just switch the GP32 on and u would have a clock infront of u on the screen :D
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Hmm... I wonder if you get the thing to work out how long it'd been off due to different behaviour on first being turned on. I doubt it, but just a thought...