My Gp2x Is Posessed

Is that what it looks like when loading up at the start of the movie? Since that is NOTHING like it normally should look. And it's not constant, but the colours involved bear a family resemblance to one another (block of greenish colour, block of whites, etc) so...

Power fluctuations in the screen? Then why does the menu work in any event.

Corrupted area of ram? Would cause dodgy effect, but not usually that uniform or that wavey (corrupt ram tends to result in either dumping weird garbled pictures to a screen - but completely garbled - or in changing the entirety of a surface a single colour or pattern)

Did it ever load up normally, out of interest?
It might be that ur frames are set too high for a video.

Im pretty sure the max for videos is like 29.97, so that mite make all the difference, but who knows... I dont got my gp2x yet :P

Its most likely the encoding though. I suggest using Virtual Dub along With XVID and doing a 2 pass setup for it or Divx3. 1 Pass usually dont work, but what program r u using to encode it now?

Btw, nice hands.
PSyMastR posted on Dec 7 2005 at 09:03 PM said:

Maybe its the batteries.
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dioxide posted on Dec 7 2005 at 09:31 PM said:
PSyMastR posted on Dec 7 2005 at 09:03 PM said:

Maybe its the batteries.

i tried with fresh batteries, power adapter, etc...
an other video works fine, but it crashes at random points.
this one will not even play...
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I'll cast my vote for:

Bad encoding (?)

:lol: triple-time post!
Virtual dub all the way! Gives perf encodes all the time with 1/2passes. There was this other prog i use to use, but i noticed it didnt always give me perf encodes when i used it with the gp32, forgot the name though.
i reincoded it to 25fps, xvid same as the other working video. crash and burn. the other video is crashing more frequently now. hm...
its not power, as im using the charger, and batteries that are fresh...
PSyMastR posted on Dec 7 2005 at 07:10 PM said:
i reincoded it to 25fps, xvid same as the other working video. crash and burn. the other video is crashing more frequently now. hm...
its not power, as im using the charger, and batteries that are fresh...

What encoder are u using??? Anyways the title of ur thread seems to be saying it all :P
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are you sure it was originally straight DviX? and not some similar alternate codec or encoded by something that only made a Dvix contaner for a different file type?

Also are you using the updated FW or the 1.0? because XviD only works like 1 in every 10 times for me with 1.0.
First off, Encoding to Divx using Divx 6.x and using SOME other programs like the official divx converter. may cause this problem. It did for me. Try using pocket divx encoder, with the Divx 6 codec. The GP2x doesn't work 100% with the divx 6 codec. It all depends on what program encoder your using. Or even better try using virtuadub with a divx 4-5 codec. Thats more compatible to your video needs.
PSyMastR posted on Dec 7 2005 at 09:03 PM said:
Just kidding. Ok, anyone else get this problem.

Watch this video of my videoplayer (my gp2x is 1/2 skinned, so dont worry about the weird main menu)

im trying to play a divx (4) encoded 30 fps 320x240 movie. It should work :(

There are several cuts in the video, we don't know what we're looking at.

So what does the video result in, the black screen, the white screen, or the blue and green weirdness at the beginning?
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Did anyone notice the last frame of the video? Let the video play all the way through and stop on the last frame in the lower right you will see the outline of a ghostly figure. oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh

No seriously check it out I bet that possessed chick in the clip is playing with your video while haunting your gp2x.

"Gp2x made for kids by kids"