My Friend Has Multiple Computerz Running Wireless

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Jul 20, 2004
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Well my friend has a bunch of different computers running off his wireless network, and I just wanted to know if we could to the freeipods thing with it. With freeipods you need 5 people to sign up and do a registration thing (easy one, you just make an account on ebay and bid but you don't have to win). Me and him are seeing if it works, so we made a bunch of Yoggin emails so ebay wouldnt ask us for credit cards when signing up.

And umm if any of you want to help...

no a couple of my friends got Ipods. Ebay is the asiest way to do it. I guess ebay pays them everytime someone makes an account thorugh the site. They are not gonna scam you through credit card because you don't need to give one.
It works, its just a son of a bitch to find 5 people to actually go out sign up and make a new account on ebay and bid. (thats the only free way to get it). But my friend has these wireless comps in his house and I was wondering if I could do all that stuff from there.
The computers are probably all 'connected' to one router, that router connects to the outside world and always shows the same address. So inside your network you may have multiple computers and different addresses but on the internet they all look like one and the same pc.
these fucking free i pod pyramid schemes are taking over the internet. if i had a forum and someone even mentioned this they would be automatically banned
the best way i could see to do it would be to get your own, your mum's, your dad's, your gran's and your grandad's credit card and just spend an afternoon building up the addresses from the comfort of your own home.
bringoutthegimp posted on Jul 31 2004 at 06:18 PM said:
these fucking free i pod pyramid schemes are taking over the internet. if i had a forum and someone even mentioned this they would be automatically banned
Good job this isn't a dictatorship, eh? I will however lock this thing and remove any trace of referral IDs. We count this type of thing as spam, and it is not welcome until we actually get proof of a board member recieving an iPod... which hasn't happened.
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