mupen64plus Nintendo 64 - NO SOUND

Are you using the PND with the picklelauncher or the one with the ordinary GUI? To set the sound up you need to use the ordinary GUI, then find CONFIGURE from the top menu (can't remember the exact layout). This should open another window which will have a few tabs in it, this is where you can select your plugins. Graphics plugins are selected by default, but you will need to select the sound one. Click on ok, then exit the emulator to ensure these options are saved. I'm sure someone will have more precise instructions than me, but you might manage to struggle through from this! (fingers crossed). My issue with this version of the emulator (only got my replacement Pandora yesterday), is that I don't know how to quit it without rebooting my Pandora....
Thanks for that I was able to make the sound work! :-)

.....only issue now is that the sound is jaggered a bit and the speed is a tad slow; does anyone have recommendations for this?

Thanking you all in advance for all your support, cheers Space Harrier
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what speed are you running the emulator at? if you up the CPU speed to 700 or 750mhz, you should be able to play a few games, Mario 64 included at full speed with proper sound! that'll get you started at least :)
Mvickers03 posted a good config file a while ago for Zelda, I can't remember the thread but it was almost certainly another Mupen thread.
Thanks Craig,

I found this it appears to give fastest settings. - My link

I don't have my Pandora with me at the moment so can't try it, it may helps others get a little more speed. Like most of these things it is a case of having a good mess around with the settings! This may be a good base to start from.
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I've not tried the newest Mupen yet,

I'll be sure to post new settings after some testing.