Multifw2 Blu+ Version

Jan 16, 2004
i just got my blu+ today, hooked it up, flashed mfw2..
ooops, wrong bios, my firmware had the "blu+" glitch
i would have swapped mfw's lower 32kB with the blu+ fw dump i took befo.. i didnt take one
so, well, i downloaded gpd (disasm) from spiv's page, used his commented fw157e dump as reference and worked my way through the code, patched 4 bytes (those for horizontal and vertical back porch and horizontal/vertical pulse synch width)
and now i have mfw2 working with bios monitor, etc on my gp32 :>

use at your own risk, bla bla, fresh batteries, bla bla, void of warranty, no responsibility,

i'll crawl through the pile of affected programs in the sticky post and try to patch them, no promises, tho

have fun

UPDATE: boot selector and bios monitor patched, too (got the code from spiv \o/)
Mirror by Trooper (thanks)
Mirror by

Edit: I'd also like to thank slubman, as i took his firmware with blu+ bios as reference to get the correct values (i know they got posted before, but had to make sure there are no more than thsoe 4 fields changed)
Edit: Added mirrors, boot selector&monitor updated

I will keep a list of the patched stuff here
Hmmm - excellent news!
I am really interested on looking into Pinball Dreams. Can you explain in more details (step-by-step) how you patched the firmware? I want to try doing the same to the Pinball Dreams demo, see how it goes.
Also, a patched Giana's Return would be fantastic :)
well, i just loaded the firmware with gpd, looked at the swi handler, jumped to the swi that does GpGraphicModeSet, looked out for LSLs, used gpd's internal ':' command to overwrite the bytes and saved the final with 'w'
duh, i dont recommend to do this for anyone who doesnt know asm :)
also, you could rather use geepee32 for this i think, way less work *cough* (not on linux, tho :)

i'll look into pinball dreams

what changing those settings dont fix is the line on top that shows on the bottom and the flickering bar on the right side (i guess the latter has to do with the way framebuffers are flipped or something, as it doesnt appear in every app)

patching apps that dont use the swi for initialising will be harder, since you first have to find the function/position in the disassembly that sets up the lcd....
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Quiest posted on Jul 28 2005 at 04:43 PM said:
Cool, does this mean, it`s possible to patch for example gpcinema2 to work on the blu+?

It may or may not :)
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While on the topic of this multi firmware, I ahve played around wiht the ZED and GP multi frimware maker and have tried to figgure out a way to make my own multi fimrware wiht more then 2 choices such as this multi firmware. In this patching process did you by chance come accorss this?
Doesn't it cause slowdowns on Pinball Dreams on BLU+ though, if that's the case it might be a little trickier as they might have used specific LCD tweaks to make it run and they may not be present in the BLU+.... I'm really not sure about this but it's just a thought.
Hooka posted on Jul 29 2005 at 12:40 AM said:
Doesn't it cause slowdowns on Pinball Dreams on BLU+ though, if that's the case it might be a little trickier as they might have used specific LCD tweaks to make it run and they may not be present in the BLU+.... I'm really not sure about this but it's just a thought.

i do not think so, if it would, i'd be a happy man since you could detect the slowdowns and thus determine the lcd type and automatically choose the right settings..

i dont know how zed does it, but spiv has compressed all the fws in mfw2 (as stated on his web page)

btw, i found that you cant put the blu light off on BLU+ with this mfw2
i can live with that.. tho i'll try to find the code that sets the timer up, etc...
(spiv left enough space in the bios fror me to implement this :P)
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Just a thought that occurred, how deep can this disassembly go? This may be stupid question to anyone who actually knows anything about programming, but could this method be used to fix the savestates in GPEngine? They seem to be implemented, functionally, but are broken... Little tweak there, small hack here.... :P
