Mr England

Mr England sounds a bit hand bag swinging.
Was the guy who scouted you a bit limp wristed and want you to parade around in front of a bunch of strangers in a pair of tight speedos?

It was two rather attractive girls actually.

It all does sound a bit camp but I suppose doing it and fucking up hilariously would be funny.

My girlfriend said she thinks I should do it and then she mumbled something about bringing cold wax with her when she comes to see me on thurs.

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Mr England sounds a bit hand bag swinging.
Was the guy who scouted you a bit limp wristed and want you to parade around in front of a bunch of strangers in a pair of tight speedos?

It was two rather attractive girls actually.

It all does sound a bit camp but I suppose doing it and fucking up hilariously would be funny.

My girlfriend said she thinks I should do it and then she mumbled something about bringing cold wax with her when she comes to see me on thurs.

I say yes do it then.
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to be honest, i wouldnt bother if i were you. tehres no fucking point. im entering this year, and im so hot youve not got a chance. you seen zoolander? im hotter than hansel. and that hansel is so hot right now! So yeah, i wouldnt bother, cos i make all the ladeees horny. and im really, really really, really good looking. what else is there to life?

Your mom keeps telling you how handsome and special you are, doesn't she? *laughs*
Keep parading in front of your bedroom mirror, so you can get the attention of your biggest admirer.
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You'll need to look as manly as possible for this, so tell your girlfriend NO wax! NO! Real men have hairs not only on their legs, face and head (and armpits), but all over their bodies! chest, back, arms and feet (like a hobbit). And you need to get in the best shape of your life! From now on you're in a strict training regime- into your local boozer every single day for a minimum of six hours solid drinking, you have to build up a good manly beer-belly, and of course man-boobs are always a great point scorer at these contests. Can you belch loud? Good! Learn to belch louder! If they require you to display some sort of talent, the alcohol resistance you will inevatibly built up in training will enable you to drink a lorry of beer in less than a minute, which ought to have the crowd going wild!

See, I'm like some sort of guru or something. No seriously, I should be charging you for this advice :P In fact, yes why not? £150 please, and that's slitting my own thumbs.


Anyway, good luck if you go for it. REALLY good luck if you actually try to follow my advice :P
You'll need to look as manly as possible for this, so tell your girlfriend NO wax! NO! Real men have hairs not only on their legs, face and head (and armpits), but all over their bodies! chest, back, arms and feet (like a hobbit). And you need to get in the best shape of your life! From now on you're in a strict training regime- into your local boozer every single day for a minimum of six hours solid drinking, you have to build up a good manly beer-belly, and of course man-boobs are always a great point scorer at these contests. Can you belch loud? Good! Learn to belch louder! If they require you to display some sort of talent, the alcohol resistance you will inevatibly built up in training will enable you to drink a lorry of beer in less than a minute, which ought to have the crowd going wild!

See, I'm like some sort of guru or something. No seriously, I should be charging you for this advice :P In fact, yes why not? £150 please, and that's slitting my own thumbs.


Anyway, good luck if you go for it. REALLY good luck if you actually try to follow my advice :P

Lol being a student I'm already in this regime so no £150 for you.

I've decided not to do it, totally not my thing, besides it'll just be full of what I like to call 'beckhams' and I can't be arsed with twats like that.

And I'm really not good looking enough and no amount of wax/make up/botox could fix that.

Was a laugh being chosen though.
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