MPGP file size limit


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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I've been encoding movies for use on the new movieplayer, and I've run into one thing that will, in due course (I hope) be sorted out. However, worth knowing for those of you who are also going to be trying it.
For now, the program is limited to files of however much ram its got available when you run AVIP2.fxe... so prolly ~7mb, maybe a little less... it played around 10 mins of a 20meg half hour ver of Evolution before resetting, so 7 megs sounds about right... I'll be trying to work out a method of getting 15 mins into the space we've got atr decent quality (15 mins = decent chapted length... then use GPFM to move the files about after each one ends). Hopefully it'll be fixed soon however :)
After all, this is still meant to be a demo, not a fully functional player, isn't it :)

Oh - one other thing. If you have a file over the size-limit (assuming it IS a size limit and not a time one, but that seems most plausible), the GP32 resets as opposed to crashes... so it might be a good idea to encode an extra few bytes on and have some overlap... that way less flicking of the off/on switch :D

EDIT: I've taken another look at it (i.e. low quality, but tichy files...) - turns out its not a size probnlem, but a length one. At a slight guess set at 5 mins. Tis usable, but not as well as it might be.
Heya, trying to do a bit of encoding myself, but can't seem to get it to work, what settings do u use? (audio and video)
I've set it to encode at 320x240, letterboxed if needbe to maintain aspect ratio... smooth it after that and adjust the contrast/light levels a bit (as taken straight out of the "official" virtualdub settings)
I use DivX 4.12 set to 1-pass quality based at ~55%, which is watchable is not amazing quality (60 is better, but larger files).
Audio, the new one seems to manage a lot of things, but I use 22050Hz on mono to save space - usually around 20kbs as it doesn't seem to have a massive negative effect...

Oh - by the way, the old DivX 0.3 actually (completely contrary to the readme) DOES have fully working sound, but you have to have the audio as uncompressed wav effectively... and encoded at 8-bit 11025Hz mono... which gives a size of roughly 60 megs for half an hour... which isn't too bad :).
Thanks :)

At how many fps do u encode them? GundamOP was done at around 10..