

Still Fresh
Dec 8, 2004
I love these boards.There real nice. I think this is the only place where you can post something and expect a replay in 15 mins. So im asking the web master if it would be possible to make an irc chat box so we could chat. That would be great.I think it can be done with html and theres tons of toutrials on the net on how to make a irc chat portal. So if your interested i'll be happy to help even thoe i dont know much html i know i can get a tout to make a chat portal thoe.
HandHeldGosu posted on Dec 9 2004 at 03:44 AM said:
I love these boards.There real nice. I think this is the only place where you can post something and expect a replay in 15 mins. So im asking the web master if it would be possible to make an irc chat box so we could chat. That would be great.I think it can be done with html and theres tons of toutrials on the net on how to make a irc chat portal. So if your interested i'll be happy to help even thoe i dont know much html i know i can get a tout to make a chat portal thoe.

This should go under "Suggestions"

(where you will then be duely flamed before being pointed to #gp32 ;) )
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Just go over to the chatbox in the off topic section, or create a new topic there. Really, the GP32 IRC thing really hasn't worked out. :P
Cant be done in plain HTML, could be done in a language such as Java (applet), php etc but 1) I think it would take up too much bandwidth (sure I heard this before) and 2) It would probably be crap. Oh and 3) Mirc is free and easy to use (cant bloody find the hash key on this keyboard... meh).
i have a chat room on my web site for people to use, i don't think its used that much either, everytime i go onto it there's nobody there.
PinkSpider posted on Dec 9 2004 at 05:16 AM said:
Cant be done in plain HTML, could be done in a language such as Java (applet), php etc but 1) I think it would take up too much bandwidth (sure I heard this before) and 2) It would probably be crap. Oh and 3) Mirc is free and easy to use (cant bloody find the hash key on this keyboard... meh).

Actually, mIRC has never been free. ;)
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It would take up less bandwidth than a forum, but - as said - we already have a 'Chatbox' in off-topic for that. It's not a chatbox in the conventional sense, but it'll do.
If you made a chatroom on gp32x nobody would be there because they're too busy posting on the boards. Boards are naturally more popular.

And the small chance that it would be popular, the boards would never be used, which that would really suck... but its not gonna happen.