Mp3 Renamer

Bingo Jesus

GP2X Hardcore
Jun 25, 2004
Cumbria, UK
I was using MP3 Tag Tools to rename all the MP3 files in my music collection based on their ID3 tags, but it seemed just to add hundreds of subdirectories,

e.g. My Music\Blur - 13\Beetlebum.mp3, became My Music\Blur - 13\Blur - 13\Blur - 13\Beettlebum.mp3

not only is this very annoying, it makes it very difficult to sync my computer music collection with the one on my MP3 player. Does anyone know of a good program which will rename my MP3s and sort them into a directory structure based on ID3 tags?

Many thanks.
I use Flash Renamer. The program is not intended to be used solely for MP3, but it has a lot of options to offer for those too. I like it.

I ran about 10000 mp3s through it a few months back, to tidy my folders up and it did it perfectly. I uninstalled it as soon as I'd done them all though ;)

Absolute best MP3 renamer/sorter ever.
And btw I cannot stand the way that itunes does it, if you have just 1 song from an album it insists in numbering the track and putting it in an album folder. Or when an artist features another artist or band it gets its own folder. I have done everything manually and with mp3tag. I have 11,000 or so mp3s so thankfully I keep it organised at all times.
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There are many great tag->name programs. The problem you appear to be having is that some of your MP3s have a lot of duplicated info in the headers (ive seen composer = artist = group = etc...) which gets translated into nested directories. Most programs have an option to only sort based on certain things, I find Genre/Artist/Title.ogg to be my organizational method of choice, although cross-genre artists tend to mess it up a little. thank god for symlinks!