I did more test this morning.I have one bad new and one good.
First bad, even with my trick, mplayer has finally froze.

The good one is mplayer from firmware 1.4.0 is not the source of the freeze.
I was taking the fact for true that some people who launched mplayer in full or normal mode had the same problems, but i remembered when i launched for the first time Mplayer101 it was @full speed and not @100Mhz, and it did not froze after 30 min, whereas this morning it froze after ~10-15min @100Mhz.
I relaunched just after the 1.4.0 mplayer @normal speed, and i did not encountered any prob after 20 min.
The test time was a little bit short so i'll test longer later, but the problem could be the underclocking. <_<
If not, it could more problematic.
Has it has no effect, i'll remove the Mplayer101 archive from download.
