Miscellaneous help issues that are unrelated to Hotfix 6 (Split from other topic)


Active Member
Apr 26, 2011
I got ginge gp2x version of mame4all doesn't show any roms,just says games not found,how can i sort this out.

The filename you mean the movie's name or the movie format like avi.
you can also just do

mplayer -vo x11

then drag the file onto the terminal and press enter make shure to leave a space after x11
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i don't know if it's related, but i'v some issues with gnuboy and game "a boy and is blob 2" the image is little, and if i choose proportional scaling, or no scaling, gnuboy crash, and i'v to reboot pandora
I copied all the files and folders to the pandora/appdata to mame4all but still it says games not found.

The panplayer still not working,the mnt/utmp there is no folder of panplayer in there and so there is no way,i can use the command line lke that,please explain more.

Can you make videos gp2x mame4all and panplyer,how to get it working on pandora.
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The mame4all folder is for pandora,i can't possibly put gp2x files in there,if i do that pandora mame emu will not work anymore.

What about gp2x .gpe file does that go in there.
you should start another topic for your Mame issues and keep this for beta talk :)
Done. Thanks for the report on this.

@sukhiextreme - For goodness' sake, please post your support questions in the Support section. Your issues with the GP2X version of MAME have nothing to do with the beta-testing of Hotfix 6, AND you already irrelevantly asked the very same question in another unrelated topic, from which I had to split it earlier tonight. Stop it, please, or we will have to assume that you are being disruptive on purpose and act accordingly.