Milkytracker 0.90.85 For The Caanoo


Jul 17, 2010
BC, Canada

I have updated it and have increased the deadzone and changed the default settings in order to make it a bit more usable, so use the binary in the above link in conjunction with the archive on openhandhelds until it is updated there. If anyone wants me to send them a binary with default configurations of their choosing, please send me a pm with your email address and a list of the default options you want, and send me the colour scheme values in hexadecimal if you want a different colour scheme.

About three days ago from the original posting of this message, I was unsatisfied with running Milkytracker 0.90.80 in Ginge, so I decided to port version 0.90.85 to the Caanoo. (My first port)

Controls are as follows:
Touch screen tap: left mouse button
Touch screen hold: right mouse button
Touch screen drag: selection
Button A: left mouse button
Button B: tab
Button X: backspace
Button Y: delete
Joystick movement: mouse movement
Help I: start playback
Help II: toggle recording mode
Home: stop playback
Button L: nothing
Button R: nothing
Joystick click: nothing
hold: lock the screen

You can plug in a USB keyboard if you want. USB mice do not seem to work. Oh, and did I mention that TV output works?

Exiting does not work.
Program may crash when setting a predefined colour in the layout section in the configuration screen.
Does not save options on exit. Maybe that's because exiting doesn't work.

Key combos (ie. L + A = left arrow key)
Fix exiting
Fix configuration

I've included one of my (unfinished) XMs (halo.xm) as well as a few I found on

I've also made quite a few banners so you can choose which one you like the most.,0,0,0,6,751
Orion4874 said:
Think you can try your hand at compiling a Wiz version? I remember there was a a dev here that had done the port but he disappeared and never released it. :(
No worries... I don't own a Wiz myself, but a Wiz port should be fairly easy because I already have the SDK. I'd need to figure out what the Wiz control is like, though. It should be easier than a Caanoo version because the Wiz uses buttons instead of a joystick. I'll look into it over the weekend; I need a break. ;)
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Nice one Com64, never really tried to use a modtracker properly, here´s me chance thanks matey

Cant wait to get home and use my NI Maschine - need a music creation fix lol
Nicely done! Great tracker, and fun on the caanoo,.

Yeah,. I would fix the saving so we can just exit and save the configuration/settings too,. Then maybe add a keyboard overlay, (on one of the shoulder buttons perhaps). For when no usb keyboard is around. Still, very useful now,. with a few more features will be killer.. ,
jph_iterationGAMES said:
Nicely done! Great tracker, and fun on the caanoo,.

Yeah,. I would fix the saving so we can just exit and save the configuration/settings too,. Then maybe add a keyboard overlay, (on one of the shoulder buttons perhaps). For when no usb keyboard is around. Still, very useful now,. with a few more features will be killer.. ,

I'm working on the exit problem right now, but it isn't that easy. I can change the settings before I compile, but that's about it. I think I have to figure out how to tell the program to look somewhere other than ~/ for the configuration file, like /mnt/sd/game/milkytracker/. I'm on holiday right now, and I don't have a good internet connection for looking things up at the moment. I can change the default settings by editing some of the source files before compiling, however.

It already includes a keyboard layout... there's a way to expand the little keypad on the left.
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Okay, here's an update...
I've been looking into the exit problem. I just ran milkytracker via a terminal server, and here is what shows up when I exit:
Crashed with signal 11
Please submit a bug report stating exactly what you were doing at the time of the crash, as well as the above signal number. Also note if it is possible to reproduce this crash.

A backup has been saved to /root/BACKUP00.XM

Segmentation fault

I'm not sure of what to do now. I've posted on the milkytracker forum about it. No reply so far.