Microsoft XBOX ONE

That's cool I guess. Consumers seem more likely to follow others they know or can trust, than "Big Business" at this point. I'm sure if this is true, it won't last long, as someone will exploit the process, and MS will be paying millions for no return of One purchases. This should be interesting at least.

That's marketing. Microsoft may not be doing it right just yet but at least they're trying. Nintendo didn't even try. :(
Those xbox commercials in all the videos from Machinima are annoying me for weeks now.
It's probably on par with them paying an agency to hire people to post positive xbox comments on tech sites. Then up voting them so they appear as the top voted posts. Then down voting and chastising other peoples negative opinions.

You would think there would be regulations on this sort of shit.
You would think there would be regulations on this sort of shit.
Apparently there are - at least in the US and UK it is necessary to state that it's a paid promotion rather than personal opinion as a consumer.

All that aside, it seems an incredibly stupid thing to do when there's already such a cloud of suspicion over them. How could they not see the potential for this to backfire so rapidly?
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Because in general it is easier to sell crap than to produce quality.

I stopped watching TV because I could no longer take the ads selling computing hardware using the claim 'es ist flach, es ist schön' (roughly: 'it is flat, it is beautiful').
Maybe they're bracing themselves for the Japanese PS4 launch next month.
IGN says "The 180 is complete" -

Microsoft announces Xbox One will sell without Kinect (Kinect bundle also available) from June 9th, and some other changes like being able to use Netflix without a gold subscription:
Things that should've been standard from the jump.

I'm about to set a timer to see how long it'll be before Amazon acquires the Xbox division.
Now if "N" announces a tablet controller free WiiU, we'll have a real battle this E3 :lol:
