Microsoft/Android/iOS Debate (Split from Cotton Candy topic)

Am I the only Linux user who thinks that it's a useless, horrible, intolerable, inconsistent, shoddy sack of shite when it comes to GUIs of any sort? Linux via command-line; sure. Linux on the desktop; NO! Please, god, no!

I simply can't abide it, no matter how good it looks like it might be getting, there's always something that irritates me. I don't think Linux will ever make it. It had its trial on Netbooks... most normal people returned their Linux-powered Netbooks with comments along the lines of "What the fuck is this shit!?" and bought Windows ones instead.

People who use linux on the desktop are nothing more than masochists. Half the desktop screenshots posted to this very forum show UIs which consist of basically nothing but a clusterfuck of contextual menus. It's enough to make UX engineers weep tears of blood.

I keep linux on my Netbook as a curiosity, and for the occasional times I want a local, non virtualised linux system (there aren't many such times), but otherwise I find it absolutely despicable as a desktop OS.

Sounding the death knell of Windows with claims of Linux gaining any ground whatsoever is plain and simple insanity.

I'd probably tolerate Linux on the desktop if it wasn't a terribly unfriendly OS under the hood, too. But as it stands, I like to keep it in its place; servers!
Am I the only Linux user who thinks that it's a useless, horrible, intolerable, inconsistent, shoddy sack of shite when it comes to GUIs of any sort? Linux via command-line; sure. Linux on the desktop; NO! Please, god, no!
Never bothered me. Though I spend 90% of my time in Opera, Emacs and some terminals (or a fullscreen game). So, that experience is pretty much the same on any platform.
Am I the only Linux user who thinks that it's a useless, horrible, intolerable, inconsistent, shoddy sack of shite when it comes to GUIs of any sort? Linux via command-line; sure. Linux on the desktop; NO! Please, god, no!
Yes, you are. :P I just use Xfce myself, though - nice, light, and stays the hell out of my way. I liked the old KDE, but not its current state, hence the switch.

My experience is much the same as Caine - what I use is exactly the same on whatever platform I happen to be using it on.

People who use linux on the desktop are nothing more than masochists. Half the desktop screenshots posted to this very forum show UIs which consist of basically nothing but a clusterfuck of contextual menus. It's enough to make UX engineers weep tears of blood.
Personally, I just want an OS that stays out of my way and fits my needs (and just works on the hardware I want to use, but who doesn't want that? :P ). Microsoft Windows does not, and Mac OS X has unfortunately been veering away from that very strongly ever since 10.4 (in fact, I only still have a Macintosh at all because I need it for one commercial item that isn't available elsewhere and for which the Microsoft Windows version does not work via WINE, and for the fact that certain ISPs here still make it far too difficult to set up your router yourself - nowadays, the latter is actually the main reason, sad to say :lol: ). Won't be getting another one of those - not up to snuff for me.
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Linux kicks ass on desktop.

A tweaked Xfce and you work a lot faster.

Plus there's so many convenient apps like kino, gtkam, twinkle, ardour, digikam, qemu-kvm, gparted etc. etc.

Who need windows ? Really ? Okay, photoshop and some games, the old 2 cent recycled arguments...
Yeah yeah, if it's not duck season it's rabbit season. My company is looking at spending upwards of $2 million on M$ software (not Windows), over half of which will go to consulting and licensing alone. Take that however you will, personally I don't have any allegiance besides what my laziness convinces of my curiosity or vice versa. But Macrohard does way more than just OS work, and at least today businesses see value in Active Directory (that they don't see elsewhere) as a result.

I mean for heaven's sake, if you're going to trumpet someone's downfall at least give us a definitive deadline. :P
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Am I the only Linux user who thinks that it's a useless, horrible, intolerable, inconsistent, shoddy sack of shite when it comes to GUIs of any sort? Linux via command-line; sure. Linux on the desktop; NO! Please, god, no!

I simply can't abide it, no matter how good it looks like it might be getting, there's always something that irritates me. I don't think Linux will ever make it. It had its trial on Netbooks... most normal people returned their Linux-powered Netbooks with comments along the lines of "What the fuck is this shit!?" and bought Windows ones instead.

People who use linux on the desktop are nothing more than masochists. Half the desktop screenshots posted to this very forum show UIs which consist of basically nothing but a clusterfuck of contextual menus. It's enough to make UX engineers weep tears of blood.

I keep linux on my Netbook as a curiosity, and for the occasional times I want a local, non virtualised linux system (there aren't many such times), but otherwise I find it absolutely despicable as a desktop OS.

Sounding the death knell of Windows with claims of Linux gaining any ground whatsoever is plain and simple insanity.

I'd probably tolerate Linux on the desktop if it wasn't a terribly unfriendly OS under the hood, too. But as it stands, I like to keep it in its place; servers!

I agree with you in most cases about Linux.

Android & Mac/iOS however show how it should be done - that's why they are gaining such ground so fast - because they 'just work' you don't need to be opening up some bastard terminal every 5 minutes.
because they 'just work' you don't need to be opening up some bastard terminal every 5 minutes.
Heh, funnily enough, that's precisely why I use Linux. :P

Just works, and no need to use a terminal at all. (I've had to use one more often on Mac OS X!)
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I don't regret switching to Linux one bit. The only reason I keep Windows around is for games, and even then I'd use WINE if Ubuntu wasn't averse to my weird GPU setup.
My laptop has Optimus graphics switching hardware; that is, it uses two GPUs (a Intel HD Graphics 3000 and an nVidia GeForce 520M), switching when necessary or when I tell it to. The Intel is weaker, but uses much less power, thus improving the battery life dramatically. The GeForce is strong enough to play a considerable amount of games quite smoothly, including Nitronic Rush! However, the Linux kernel seems to have a problem with Optimus, and nVidia doesn't support it on Linux, nor do they plan to. There's a program called Ironhide which remedies this somewhat, but I find it quite clunky and confusing, especially since there's no clear indication as to whether it's actually doing anything.
Oh wow. I can imagine that causing a ton of weird issues when using Wine. It sounds like a cool feature but unfortunately also the typical kind of hardware configuration which has poor Linux support.
I haven't tried it in Wine, because using anything with 3D graphics is annoying, especially since I can just use Windows. But I believe that if I'm using the GeForce then things aren't too bad. I suppose I'll have to work it out at some point.
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Android & Mac/iOS however show how it should be done - that's why they are gaining such ground so fast - because they 'just work' you don't need to be opening up some bastard terminal every 5 minutes.
I switched my parents over to Linux several years ago for precisely this reason: when they were running Windows I had to come up every couple of weeks because something else needed a quick tweak to get the DVD working again, or the internet conked out, or defrag the hard drive, or wipe out a bunch of crap he'd somehow managed to install, or whatever. So much tinkering was required to keep it running. He's been on Ubuntu for years and the only time I've had to do anything for him at all was about a year ago when Ubuntu 10.4LTS came out and it was time for an upgrade. I showed him the software center and told him to go nuts, if his hard drive gets full just delete some things he doesn't use. And it just works.

If you have problems running Linux where a 56 year old man who struggles to program his VCR doesn't then I might suggest that it is you who is doing something wrong.
Wow, I'm having some serious deja vu. Seems like these same posts from the same people have been happening over and over again..
not true, it's missing the obligatory, "But Android and iOS ARE Linux!" comments
IMO Windows has the best of all worlds, its fairly simple, quite customisable, great for entertainment, and very useful for serious stuff. Whilst the other options tend to just go for 1 or 2 of these things, eg. Linux is very custimisable great for serious business but is quite hard to use, and isn't the best for entertainment due to a lack of games. Whilst iOS and Android are very simple, quite good for casual entertainment, but lacks customisation unless you hack the device, and are almost impossible to use for business stuff (imagine typing an essay on an iPad... ick :blink: ). So that is why I personally use Windows, but I would switch to Linux in a heartbeat if it could properly play all the blockbuster games.

TL;DR Windows is the best for all round use (IMHO).
yup, im a windows person, have always used it, seems simple to use to me, plus its what they used at school.

linux and mac are fine I dont have any issues with these, i dont really get the whole fanboism though.
Linux has improved no end IMO. I remember when I first dipped into Linux, couldn't get my modem to dial the interenet, had to try and compile every piece of software myself, which often required libraries I didn't have (and couldn't get - no internet access without the modem). The software centres have done wonders.

That said, I'm still a majority Windows user - my work runs on Windows desktops, my email client is Windows based, 90% of the games I play are designed for Windows (Street Fighter IV, Starcraft 2, Frozen Synapse, et al), there isn't enough to push me onto Linux at home.

Sebt3's VM is pretty much the only Linux install I use on a semi-regular basis, and that's generally for cross-compiling for the Pandora
I have to say, that I don't play the newest games, since my main desktop computer broke down. RIP.

Now i use Ubuntu on a Notebook and am quite happy with it. There is almost nothing I can't do with it, when I am at home.

For work, I use a Windows-PC, as Outlook makes life a lot easier and most stuff I need for work has no good replacement for linux (or I am simply to used to how it works on linux).

Also I carry a IPad2 around with me, which is great for forumsurfing, E-mails, Tasks, Calendar (Exchange) and of course a little fun gaming.

The platform I use for gaming the most is the Pandora atm.