Internal Development
Perhaps there should be a hardware-hacks 'support' or discussion forum, so as to not fill up the front page?
Anyway, I just received a cap (thanks DaveC
, and want to make sure its installed correctly before I post a review to my blog. I'm wondering if its supposed to rest this high on the unit. (DaveC includes some documentation, but its hard to 'suss out' if its right or not 
See bad photo from my phone:
It definately makes things more sensitive!
I was figuring that when tilted, it'd be closer to the gp2x case at the lip of the cap, but it seems to ride high.
Anyway, I just received a cap (thanks DaveC
See bad photo from my phone:
It definately makes things more sensitive!
I was figuring that when tilted, it'd be closer to the gp2x case at the lip of the cap, but it seems to ride high.