Meritous Wiz Port


Chaos is our mode and modus
Dec 22, 2005
Scachi ported the dungeon crawler Meritous for the Wiz.


Download: Archive.
Sourcecode: Archive.
Game Homepage: here.
Fantastic! It looks so nice!

Action-RPG style dungeon crawler? wow, I should test it right now.

Thanks for thenice info, like always.
New version available:



-Missing dialogs before boss fights fixed
-Map drawing on teleport showing invalid areas fixed
-Threaded music loading to reduce lags
This is defintiely one of the top Wiz games. Very fun, dungeon crawler meets bullet hell :)

So, did anyone manage to finish the game (ever)?
I'm currently at 15%

This is really a nice game and well suited for a handheld. You can always clear a couple of rooms whenever you got some minutes to spare :)
Alex. said:
This is defintiely one of the top Wiz games. Very fun, dungeon crawler meets bullet hell :)

So, did anyone manage to finish the game (ever)?

I finished the original PC version when it was first released, does that count..?
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Could those responsible please credit the music artists?
Using music created within the mod/demo scene years ago without permission is one thing, but at the very least they should be each credited. :(

Otherwise, it's an interesting game.
I am not sure who the music artists would be as the original game site/readme does not mention them.
Kamiyay said:
I am not sure who the music artists would be as the original game site/readme does not mention them.
Ambient Light - Vogue of Triton
Dragon Cave - TICAZ (
Battle of Ragnarok - Frostbite (
Cavern.xm - Licensed under the Mod Archive Distribution license
ct_boss.mod - Unknown
cv_boss.mod - Unknown
fear 2 - Mick Rippon (
The Final Battle - Goose of CeDA & invasion
fr_boss - Unknown
Ice Frontier - Scaven of Future Crew
KnarkLoader 1.0 - iLLEr of Rapacious
RPG-Battle - Cyn (
Metallic Forest - Joseph Fox (remix of Eerie Forest by Manami Letel)

All this talent gone to waste with no credit. :(
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ct_boss.mod and cv_boss.mod are from the Zeux series of games released with MegaZeux (from Catacombs of Zeux and Caverns of Zeux respectively). They were composed by Alexis Janson. Caverns was the game MZX was originally distributed with, so a lot of really bad games from a really long time ago ripped off its music. These days using the music is kind of an in-joke (especially if used outside of an MZX game) or a symbol representing MZX culture.

Its usage here goes along with the weird MZX community in-jokes presented in the "real" ending sequence.

Most of the other mods were probably freely distributed on Mod Archive or other public sites, not ripped from Amiga demos.