Memory Gp2x V1.0 Beta


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
NOTE: Please dont post news about this release just yet as its a test release and I want to fix any bugs before the official release.

Heres my latest release Memory GP2X which I originally wrote for the GP32. Full details on how to play the game can be found in the readme.

For this test release I need reports on any bugs or suggestions on the game. I will probably release the final version tomorrow so you have around 24 hours to let me know.

Theres a few things missing in this release, most noticeable is there is no Pause screen, I will add this for the final release, in the meantime press the Y button to quit. Next is that the end of game screens doesnt do much, I will add some text there also.

Apart from that the game should run fine (I hope) let me know if you have any problems. You can download the game here and heres a screenshot of the GP2X version, you can find screenshots of the GP32 version here
i tried one with a 360 on it but it didnt look good as there isnt much to look at on the 360, also where it was white it didnt go well with the background
I initially couldn't get this to run, only to realise (with a bit of shell script) that MemoryGP2X is attempting to write to /mnt/tmp, which it cannot since theres nothing mounted there and the NAND is currently read-only due to me using the "fs patch" posted a few days back.

I wrote a long, ugly wrapper-script to detect how the NAND is mounted and perform the appropriate action and run the game. You can just write a launcher script that remounts the NAND rw before executing the application, but I think I'm going to hang on to the wrapper as I have a feeling this isn't going to be the only time I need it...

The game itself is very cool. There's a bit of slowdown in the initial splash screen, but otherwise seems stable.

Thanks Guyfawkes.
after a discussion with Gridmark on irc we traced the problem to rylehs gpe compressor which was writing a temporary file to NAND. so for now i will use normal gpe files instead of compressed ones to save anyone else having problems. i have updated the download with a new gpe so please download again if you have any problems.
probaby crashing because its built with old libs. ill recompile it later with the latest libs which should sort it out.

update - have no idea why its crashing, doesnt seem to be any problems but if you quit straight after loading the game it works fine, but quitting after one game will crash it. i will look some more into what could be causing it.

update #2 - found the cause of the problem but no idea why its doing it :) ive made a quick fix and uploaded the latest version to the gp2x archive, when its updated there I will post the news on my site and update here.
thanks, man! me and my friends really play this a lot in time-mode, and it really gives my brain some training. i love this game.


perfect now, thanks again, guyfawkes.


manhill :ph34r:

p.s.: my buddies couldnt believe when they noticed the game has become fixed, and i said "well, i talked to the coder and he fixed it....." hehe...