Megaman I I I Nes


Dance Pac-man. DANCE!!!!
Mar 10, 2004
sunbury, victoria, australia
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hi y'all, this is my first review and i will be reviewing one of the best sidescrolling/platform games for the nes, MegaMan 3! now onto the review

Graphics: the graphics are bright, colorfull and well done in lil'john. the megaman and other enemy sprites are a bit small, but lets not forget that this game was intended to be played an a T.V B) 9/10

Sound and Music: the sound is ver good for a nes game and gets a lil repetative after a while, but if ur a hardcore megemen fan like me u wont care! :P the sound efects r a bit bland and the sound when u land gets annoying after 3 hours playing strait :lol: , but the music is absolutely wonderfull, i especially like shadowman's theme. 8.5/10

Fun-ness/Difficulty: Personally i think this is one of the best games on the nes. the game is very fun and challenging (or atleast it is for me) and is a really good game to play while travelling. 10/10

Playabillity on the gp32_console : in lil'john 0.4 the game runs perfectly. full speed, full sound and full everything else. 10/10

over all i think it's the best MegaMan game in the nes, so i have to rate it a 10/10.

i hope you all like my review and find it usefull.
Yeah I do!!! Insanely difficult AND monotonous- and for those reasons megaman will never get any space on my SMC
i think its too difficult too. but i love the nes games on my gp32 because i can use save states. if the game is too unfaire and i'm going to die, i will load again.
ho ho :) :)
Megaman 2 was pretty easy till the part with Willy(I think I dont remember who the final person was). Before that it didn't take too much time to beat.
generalnmx posted on Aug 23 2004 at 11:10 PM said:
Hate to spoil all the Megaman 1-9 games for you all, but the end boss is ALWAYS Wily.

Lol jk yah its always Willy, but I haven't played the games in a while so I keep getting X and the Original series confused.
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HOW DARE U DISRESPECT CAPCOM OR MEGAMAN, there is no megaman 9, its rockman and forte!(megaman and bass) j/k


and the end bos in mm2 is the alien wily thing.
but i think that megaman 7 was one of the hardests games.
gamers today are all wusses!!

mega man games are not hard! They are all simple pattern memorization, no harder than super mario games (i mean, like 1 + 2)

granted megaman 1 is kinda tough, but 2 is just damned easy. I guess the rest are moderate difficulty, i only played through 4 anyway so maybe i oughta keep my mouth closed.

2 was my favorite!!
great tunes, graphics, design -- so much fun...
look gamers today are all wusses!! guy

megaman games get super hard once you enter the castles or layers and the only reason i dont like megaman one is becasue he slides when he runs it gets anyoing trying to stop. mega man six is my faverite because of the jet pack and boxing gloves i know it sound cheap but i just like to play it that way gp32_console gp32_console :D
The classic mega man games will never die. I like them better than the newer ones for PSX PS2, because the newer ones are too easy. I can beat almost any of the MegaMan X+(meaning MMX and above) in a couple hours of playing. Whereas the first megaman took me a good day of playing to beat it the first time. Anyone who likes the classic megaman games should pick up a copy of Mega Man Anniversary edition for the PS2. It has MM1-8 and the 2 arcade games, and has cool unlocks.