Super Gp Ball


Chocobo Tamer
Nov 27, 2003
United States
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UPDATE!!!!!:Now I am updating this review since version 0.2 came out

SUPER GP BALL, not Gb ball, lol, my spelling stinks

Today I am reviewing Super GP Ball that was recently released today. it is a homebrewn game, so it is nice to see something other than emulators and ports on the GP32 :lol: Lets start with the review.

Graphics- The graphics are now more detailed and more complex. They are much better than the graphics in version 1. They look now like a Snes game, or just about that. 7/10

Sound- No sound, not good <_< 1/10 just cause i want to give it 1 :P

Gameplay- Truly nice. Just like Super Monkey Ball, homebrewn style. Super Monkey Ball is easily the easiest game to just pick up and play I have ever played. Wonderful. 8/10

Controls- Well, the controls are a little senstive. A little too sensitive. But, once you get the hang of it it can be fun :) 7/10

Overall- Mediocre 7/10

Hope you liked my review!


EDIT: Few spelling errors
you gave gameplay an 8/10
and gameplay is the most important part
if it has good gameplay how is it mediocre
you should probably add the gameplay takes a while to get used to, everytime you hit anything you start over and its very easy to hit something because unless your going real slow, its hard to control
rpgchocobo posted on Aug 16 2004 at 09:59 PM said:
Controls- Well, the controls are a little senstive. A little too sensitive. But, once you get the hang of it it can be fun :) 7/10
That is where I mentioned that the controls are sensitive and need practice to play the game and get experienced at it.
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Yes, I´m the man who had created this monster of game ;)

Of course I don´t know if you had read de Readme file...maybe my english isn´t as good has I would like to be.

All I can say is thanks about your review...ok, I want to comment somethings:

1- This is my first game ever.

2-I will add some nice graphics but not very good graphics!

3-About the controls all I can tell you is that you will select the skill levels in the next versions (I hope), althought my opinion is that the control is part of the ¿fun? :D

4-I will put music :P

Ok, thats all folks!!

See you
instead of starting over, why not change it to bouncing off of whatever you hit, make ledges so you can fall off the edge, then start over from the beginning, it was very frustrating trying to control the ball and starting over everytime i hit something, just a suggestion.
Yes, you are telling me the same as a friend from he suggested me the same thing, an afcourse I can I will do it.......really...I´m musician (bassoonist) so :D don´t spect so much about good programing I´m a N33b.
fagotero posted on Aug 17 2004 at 08:00 AM said:

Yes, I´m the man who had created this monster of game ;)

Of course I don´t know if you had read de Readme file...maybe my english isn´t as good has I would like to be.

All I can say is thanks about your review...ok, I want to comment somethings:

1- This is my first game ever.

2-I will add some nice graphics but not very good graphics!

3-About the controls all I can tell you is that you will select the skill levels in the next versions (I hope), althought my opinion is that the control is part of the ¿fun? :D

4-I will put music :P

Ok, thats all folks!!

See you
Don't worry, yor game is awesome! It is just like Super Monkey Ball, which is one of my all time favorites. I can't wait to see the next version of Super GP Ball! :)
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first, congratulation -again- to fagotero, your first game is so fun.

i will defend fagotero. sound is not developed yet for the fenix runtime virtual machine for gp32. in future, maybe he could improve his so-hard game.

the graphics are made by fans of gp32, some better, some kid-like, but all taken from forums.

this game is a living example of what should be the gp32, not only a emulator machine, but a fans machine for fans.

10/10 of enjoin'