Release Mediathekview


Very Active Member
Aug 19, 2014
Hi I made my very first PND finaly placed it somehow on

Mediathekview is a java based for wrapper for german state channels. My main intention was to get Stream urls which could be downloaded by other devices (like Raspberry Pi) via wget.

Since it is Java based the java.pnd should be installed previously

New in version
adjustet maximum memory for javaVM towards 280MB


New in version
adjustet maximum memory for javaVM towards 250MB


New in version
-Bugfix: adjustet maximum memory for javaVM towards 200MB
+updated to latest Mediathekview (version 11 build 556)

Bugfix: adjustet maximum memory for javaVM towards 180MB


-updated towards version 10 (9.072) from the git repository

-mediathekview should be able to update the video DB (bugreport from joachim)

special thx to ingoreis:

-smplayer support

-flvstreamer support

-updated to version 9 (8.877)
-for changelog see:


-after a nice conversation with xaver I switched to the latest dev version 7.984.


-added a more detailed description into the pxml file


initial release

Thinks that work currently:

copy & paste URLs of Videos (io to download them via wget)

Link towards smplayer2 / flvstreamer (ingoreis)
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actually i am from germany, thats why i packaged this tool ;)

in my run file i set the $home folder variable to pwd this should avoid writing to nand

i also added some more descriptional text recently to the pnd.
If it is java, there could be some other variables that define the savepath for this application.
I had a nice email conversation with xaver the main developper of mediathekview. He optimzed the 'download window' for us. Now also the radio buttons for the resolution settings are visible on our little pandora screens :D
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I had a nice email conversation with xaver the main developper of mediathekview. He optimzed the 'download window' for us. Now also the radio buttons for the resolution settings are visible on our little pandora screens :D
Cool nice Information ^_^

The .mediathek Folder should be in the Java Appdata Folder :)
I had a nice email conversation with xaver the main developper of mediathekview. He optimzed the 'download window' for us. Now also the radio buttons for the resolution settings are visible on our little pandora screens :D
Cool nice Information ^_^

The .mediathek Folder should be in the Java Appdata Folder :)

Thats the location where it should be stored. So nothing will be stored on the NAND.  btw: I noticed that the pandora/mediathekview has isssues if special characters are in a filename. So ensure that no charackters like (öäüß) are in files to store ...
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Hi Willhelm i grabbed some Files from you for Testing Things.

This Version of MediaThekview contain your Files and no Setup should be appear more @ first Start.

Video Playing over Wlan work now nice over Mplayer and a self compiled flvstreamer ;)

(only for Testings)

I would be glad when you can test this Version too but please delete your old Appdata vor Testing and

when some few Videos little stutters then use a Wlan Dongle on your Pandora ;)

Aaand some Videos need about 10 Seconds to start because buffering,please have little Patience ^_^

When it work will i be glad to help you to build that Files in your Version :D
Hi Willhelm i grabbed some Files from you for Testing Things.

This Version of MediaThekview contain your Files and no Setup should be appear more @ first Start.

Video Playing over Wlan work now nice over Mplayer and a self compiled flvstreamer ;)

(only for Testings)

I would be glad when you can test this Version too but please delete your old Appdata vor Testing and

when some few Videos little stutters then use a Wlan Dongle on your Pandora ;)

Aaand some Videos need about 10 Seconds to start because buffering,please have little Patience ^_^

When it work will i be glad to help you to build that Files in your Version :D
Sounds great! I will test this for sure. I am short in time during the upcoming long weekend. But afterwards, Sunday / Monday evening I will test your pnd. Did you also compile & add mplayer to this package?

 If you want I could add you as a maintainer in
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The included Mplayer grabbed i from the SMplayer PND

and it seem to work fine.

Let us try this Version first ;)

Anyone other tried this PND?

Had little unmount Problems and must delete /mnt/utmp/MediaThekView Folder manualy sometimes without plugged SD Card.

Can that be because the Java PND that some Java Software not clear unmounted?

My next Try when it not work is to grab the JavaMinecraft PND and insert the MediaThekView Software with Mplayer and others.

Then it start ever its own Java Version and maybe it work better then.

But first please try this PND and Report then :)
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hi ingo i tested recently your pnd. it worked out of the box. mplayer was able to play streams and downloads worked instantly. i noticed that you managed to get rrid of the initial setup windows cool feature. for now i did not had any issues but i will keep on testing. Very nice release!

i would keep the name MediathekView or did I mispel it ? (instead of MediaThekView)
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Nice to read thx :-)

This Version was only a Mashup with your and my Files.

Will try add that Functions to your Version soon ;)

Yehaah it work,i thought i made an Error but it work :)

i would keep the name MediathekView or did I mispel it ? (instead of MediaThekView)
NP in the next Version solved(little Naming Error from me) :rolleyes:
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I tried to watch the very recent 'elektrischer reporter' (ZDF) via mplayer stream. Could it be that the stream is catched at medium or high resolution? cause it stuttured (lost audio / video sync) in fullscrean mode. A work around was to download the stream at low res.

Maybe this could be adjusted somewhere in the configs? I will keep on testing :)

update :

in the set settings i found radio buttons for resolution settings. For both Download and stream. I set them both to low quality. However mediathekview itself seems to send the medium resolution or even high resolution to the mplayer. I guess this causes the out of sync issue during the stream. I could ask Xaver about this "feature" ...
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I think that the internal Pandora Wlan is little too weak for streaming this.

Have you tried a extra Wlan Dongle?

That should work much better then.

Another Idea is when the Mediathekview Human build in an additional tiny Resolution

with smaller Bitrate than the LowResolution.

I know that such Resolution exist because the older MediaThek Androidversions had it inside for playing

over Umts or Gprs.Unfortunaly in the newer Android ZDF Apk is it gone and may Users where Angry about that.

Maybe the Buffering Problem depend on the Speed of the SD Card too.

I might work better when you start the PND from a fast USB Stick

Thx again for testing and reporting
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hmhm I used an external wifi dongle. I described it a bit wrong. it actually went out of sync. The video part of the stream was beyond the audio part. Have you tried to watch 'elektrischer reporter' @ fullscreen ?
maybe when we activate Framedropping is that Problem solved.

Please try while playing the D Key from Pandora.

Maybe its than better in Sync.

Unforunaly i have actual no Time for Testing it.

Will Report with Elektronischer Reporter soon ;)
I disabled ZRAM (swap on SD) could this affect the performance of the mplayer ? - Just an Idea, cause MediathekView consumes a bunch of RAM :(