Next Version Of Gp2x Hardware


Dec 8, 2005
New York, New York
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Ok so I've read in the forums that a new version of GP2X will be coming out in the future with some hardware changes. Does anyone know what are the hardware changes that are going to made, and if so how will they improve the system? Will it be worth buying the GP2X after these hardware changes? I just want to make sure that if I purchase one, that another one won't come out with a lot of hardware improvements. Thanks.
Upgrade in NAND, from 64 to 128 mbytes (I think...)

A screen change to be more like the BLU+

A new stick (wether this entails a new cap, or a new switch, we don't know yet)

I don't think it's worth the new upgrade. Unless the new firmware eats up all 64 megabytes of nand, I don't think it's worth re-buying the system.
Craigix said the current screen is becoming difficult to obtain, so they are switching suppliers. Unlike the BLU/BLU+ however, it will not effect any existing software, and people will most likely not notice the chance.

NAND will change if supplies of the current 64MB NAND become difficult to obtain.

Stick will change regardless.

I'd say in the next 3 - 4 months expect a new GP2X with a different screen and different stick, and nothing else. Maybe in 6 - 12 months the nand size changes, but they'll still only use ~24MB of it, as they are not changing to increase firmware, but simply because 128MB will be more popular and thus easier (and probably cheaper due to the demand) to buy then.
Rayek posted on Feb 27 2006 at 08:27 AM said:
Upgrade in NAND, from 64 to 128 mbytes (I think...)

Becuase the 64MB chips are going out of the production probably.

Rayek posted on Feb 27 2006 at 08:27 AM said:
A screen change to be more like the BLU+

That is an unknow but Craig said that the screen will be eventually
replaced. Probably due to changes in available offerts on the marketplace.

Rayek posted on Feb 27 2006 at 08:27 AM said:
A new stick (wether this entails a new cap, or a new switch, we don't know yet)

For 99 percent only the cap will be changed.

Rayek posted on Feb 27 2006 at 08:27 AM said:
I don't think it's worth the new upgrade. Unless the new firmware eats up all 64 megabytes of nand, I don't think it's worth re-buying the system.

As now the firmware is taking about half of the internal flash now it's very doubtful that any future versions of firmware will be that big.

All these change are rather due to adapting to available parts than anything else.
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That's all fine. But I wish they didn't fuck up with the choice of joystick to begin with...Oh well shit happens.
The current firmware is using around 16 mb out of the 64 mb available, my current system image is around 8mb. I don't think you'll be running out of space on the 64mb any time soon. 128mb of ram would be very nice though :)
Squidge posted on Feb 27 2006 at 06:44 AM said:
Craigix said the current screen is becoming difficult to obtain, so they are switching suppliers. Unlike the BLU/BLU+ however, it will not effect any existing software, and people will most likely not notice the chance.
But when the blu+ switch was made we were told that all software should still work with the sdk, but mr mirkos sdk didnt because it hit the hardware directly and the lcd hardware was different.
Maybe we'll have a similar problem with rylehs minilib of HH mode seeing as they won't be using a generic sdl driver or linux fb driver respectively.
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chris_r posted on Feb 27 2006 at 09:27 AM said:
Squidge posted on Feb 27 2006 at 06:44 AM said:
Craigix said the current screen is becoming difficult to obtain, so they are switching suppliers. Unlike the BLU/BLU+ however, it will not effect any existing software, and people will most likely not notice the chance.
But when the blu+ switch was made we were told that all software should still work with the sdk, but mr mirkos sdk didnt because it hit the hardware directly and the lcd hardware was different.
Maybe we'll have a similar problem with rylehs minilib of HH mode seeing as they won't be using a generic sdl driver or linux fb driver respectively.

The fb driver isn't doing much - it bassicaly gives a pointer to the memory where the actual physical framebuffer is. Linux or not the frambuffer format will not change not matter what display device will be used.

I was reassured by Squidge (and others too) that is so. And having some of the knowledge of the gp2x's chipset I think the same.

The only issues what might emerge are the ones with initialization stage but it's done in the uboot so the HH will not be affected.
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Paradox posted on Feb 27 2006 at 09:50 AM said:
Dude, select everything between these two quotation marks:

" "

Press Ctrl-C

When you need to type a spave press Ctrl-V.

And buy a new keyboard! :)
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theoddbot posted on Feb 27 2006 at 05:46 PM said:
The current firmware is using around 16 mb out of the 64 mb available, my current system image is around 8mb. I don't think you'll be running out of space on the 64mb any time soon. 128mb of ram would be very nice though :)

Did someone say something about 128mb RAM? I hope not because it that happens that will most certainly cause incompatibilities.
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Vimacs posted on Feb 27 2006 at 10:20 AM said:
thats a secret usenet group where he wants to share gp2x warez, i know it!


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sand_man posted on Feb 27 2006 at 01:27 PM said:
theoddbot posted on Feb 27 2006 at 05:46 PM said:
The current firmware is using around 16 mb out of the 64 mb available, my current system image is around 8mb. I don't think you'll be running out of space on the 64mb any time soon. 128mb of ram would be very nice though :)

Did someone say something about 128mb RAM? I hope not because it that happens that will most certainly cause incompatibilities.

Not ram but built in flash memory what is now at 64MB and will be probably changed to 128MB (because the 64MB chips are harder and harder to get).
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I really hope they get rid of the joystick alltogether and replace it with a Dpad.
slypie posted on Feb 27 2006 at 11:27 PM said:
I really hope they get rid of the joystick alltogether and replace it with a Dpad.
I would go for one of those half joystick half d-pad things.. if you know what I mean 0.o
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i would buy a new version with d-pad asap.
keeping my current 2x as a backup unit for friends to play over the network (soon) :-)
I just find it hard that they put a joystick in in the first place instead of a Dpad or similar.