Gammeboy Colour


Ruler of good and evil, then i make them fight tog
Jan 31, 2006
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since the brilliant new gbc emu came out
it thought id create this post to ask people their favroute gb/gbc games they liked most.
I know it isnt a console with the biggest amount of games because of its limited specs
but u can still get heros 2, gta and a brill zelda.
same here
maby 9 though
red and blue were the best
gold and silver was a cheap rip off and the starting pokemon wernt as good
still nifty game
cant wait for the vba to work so i can play fire red
Zelda:orcale of seasons,can't get enough of that game or its counterpart orcale of ages.
When red/blue came out, it seemed that the majority of people chose red. What did you guys choose?

I chose blue.
i was one of the lucky english people who had parents who went america once and came bk with yellow
my mates were jealous at the time
but then that was year 5 or 6
I dunno I tried to njoy the Pokemon games I have Red but havent played it in ages (I didn't realize I lost money everytime I died thanks to playing too many modern RPGs with little or no penalty) eventually I ran out of money after getting a ways into it and didn't want to do it all again.

I am however looking foward to playing Metal Gear solid:Ghost Babel. I would almost say I can't wait to play Bionic commando... but maybe I'll just play the NES version on emulator as I understand it the GB has like 3 versions for no clear reason which kinda confuses me.
I'll second Metal Gear Solid. It's incredible how much of the feel of the PSX game they captured on a GBC cart, of all things. Any of the Mega Man games are worth playing, too, for Mega Man goodness on the go. The same goes for the Zelda games, though Link's Awakening is my personal favourite.
In addition to those stated above,

Bomber Man Max
Bust a Move
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania Legends
Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Kirby anything
Street Fighter
Super Mario Land
Wario Land

And perusing through my roms, there seems to be a licensed Commander Keen port... I'll have to check that one out.

Gameboy Color:
Donkey Kong Country
Pokemon Pinball
Mr Driller
Tetris DX
Mario Golf

Donkey Kong
Bomb Jack
Marios Picross
Mario Tennis seconded.

I also loved the Kirby and Super Mario Land games. Test Drive was fun too.

I have Pokemon Blue :) It's one of the games that I just couldn't sell.

*remembers playing his yellow Gameboy Pocket*
Pokemon red, yellow, and chrystal. Oh yeah, and pinball, was really a pinball game, actually.

Zelda DX, Oracles and Seasons, they made me get a n64. :)

Donkey kong land and Donkey kong country, great games too (land was b/w). :)

Oh, and Kirby Dream Land, I spent forever trying to finish that game (accidently found the way to kill the final boss, you had to actually 'suck his hammer jolts' and shoot them back :) )

It's a shame I lost most of my gb/c games (I have like 7 games left, and 3 boxs, 1 of which for a game I lost), and this was before I was into collecting boxes and games.
Dragon Warrior III (dragon quest III) remake.
One of the best rpgs of all time, and it really shines on the GBC. The graphics are some of the best on GBC too. I was surprised how much it looks like an SNES game.



For anyone into RPGs the gameboy colour is a gem.

Try Magination for an unusual quality RPG with superb graphics. Bear in mind this is only a GBC game. At times it looks more like SNES especially with the size of the sprites.

Magination Review

Also give the Harry Potters a go. They are RPGs on the GBC and quite fun at that. I am currently playing through the sorcerers stone on my GP32.

HP GBC review

Zelda the oracle of ages and oracle of seasons are also excellent titles.

Zelda OoA Review

Finally Survival kids is a great little RPG with a really unusual plot.

S Kids Review
Wario Land 1, 2, and 3
Daikatana (brilliant! better than the PC version.)
Pokemon series
Zelda: Oracle of ages/seasons
Kirby´s dream land
Tetris :P
Mario land 2
Game and Watch collection series
Micro Machines 3