oh yes?

, I have used one, and its not as good as my Cowon in audio quality, another case of bling and marketing over substance, yes it's "pretty" and "cool" and "gee wizz", but the sound quality is lacking, sorry if I profaned against the church of Jobs, but imo the primary function of a media player is to play media well, not just look cool.
yeah!, if they spent a bit more on the hardware it would be a good player, in fact, it would almost be as good as everybody seems to think it is, but I do seriously doubt all these "Impartial" reviews, for one thing, they all seem to be written by the same person, and that person seems to be employed by Apple. <_<
also, I don't actually LIKE swirly swingy swoopy interfaces, it doesn't even do them right for one thing (list screens zoom in blank and then get filled rather than zoom in pre-drawn for eg), for another, they take too long when you are busy, and waste cpu cycles and hence battery, I always turn off desktop effects for the same reason, there's no point to em, just draw the goddamn window + content dammit!!, computers are slow enough already, they don't need slowing down any further.
maybe I'm showing my age, but imo the reason you can't get a music system with decent features is simply that adding a dock is cheap and easy, and adds perceived value, so every body does it, BUT its just a waste of time when I don't own an Ipod, don't WANT an Ipod, and have a list of features I want on my music system, that nobody's got around to adding cos they all think sticking a stupid dock on the bloody thing gives you all you need, sheesh!
I want a DAB tuner, internet radio, fm/lw/mw/sw radio, internal HD storage, multi format playback, built in dvd/cd playback and ripping, streaming of separate channels/playlists to satellite speakers via power-line/wireless, long range wireless remote (extended via speakers), display on remote giving status/feedback, equalizer pre-sets for anything from album/genre or specific track, volume pre-sets for same, options to stream to remote or preload and use as portable player, wireless, self powered wireless speaker option for summer evenings in garden, tv interface for serious file management, built in media database, bluetooth, usb and media card ports, network port, etc
what do I get offered instead?.......A BLOODY DOCK FOR A SODDING MP4 PLAYER I DON'T HAVE OR WANT!!!!!!!!
GRRRRRRRRR! :rolleyes:
seriously, I'll be 148 before they get round to it