What Will You Use Yours For?

Yeah I guess the smaller screen isnt ideal for pshop work, but most of what i would be doing is minor touches, anything major i would work on the laptop ... i just hate my laptop right now, its so slow and old and weak, and overheats all the time so im saving every 2 mins so as not to lose much progress.

I will look at that other vector program later though, cheers, not one ive heard of before, I have a copy of illustrator but never really looked into using it, i know my way around pshop so just got used to doing everything in that.

Qbject - I have one of those little k/boards, but its not USB, its IR, so probably no good for pandora, IR is old now eh, dont see it much thesedays, pretty much taken over by bluetooth.

this is the one though, its small and folds into your pocket
craigix said:
I'm going to use mine for reminding me it was possible... and, um, as a portable amiga.
I hope you also use it as a reminder that it's not as easy as it looks ;)
And especially what to do differently next time. As awesome as the Pandora is, I want to see what you can come up with as technology improves in the coming years.
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I want to be creating everything possible right on the Pandora , i hate sitting at a pc for long periods of time and with alot of my spare time taken up with work and family it would be great to have text,paint,game dev tools and the terminal on the go.Sure i want all that with coffee, music/radio and some gaming to chill with.The pandora will be my main Linux toy to mess with and explore and learn with, i wanna do big things on the pandora.
I'm going to use it for movies, as a mini comp, and to replace all my old gaming systems with the ps3 bluetooth controller support. only question I have is i rip my dvd's with handbrake on the normal setting will these videos work on the pandora?
Don't get me started with onLive and their 'Tachyons' nonsense. I've had to scrap a mouse because it had >10ms response time, the thought of playing with a 100ms video feed just makes me cringe.

As for alternate functions, hopefully I'll be able to make flashcards and use them with the touch screen for studying purposes.

I've heard that other people are going to use theirs for recording, and I think that's a pretty nifty idea too. I have a Samson C03U USB condenser mic that I can hardly use because it sits too close to the thrumming of my PC. It's just fine for gaming, but I need somewhere QUIET for recording, and lugging my PC around simply doesn't fit the bill.

Depending on how well the touchscreen ends up working, I'll probably doodle stuff occasionally. Maybe I'll read an eBook or two... The possibilities are endless, I can do a LOT of stuff with a portable Linux platform :D

WHY AREN'T YOU HERE YET PANDORAAAAA!! ...I'm nowhere near jumping ship because of delays, that's just robbing yourself of the end product, but I've grown to dread reading the blog. not like I could stop if I wanted to I really feel for the team, I know every delay hits them a helluva lot harder than it does me.
I'm not a first batcher - at least not yet.....

Interfacing with engines, generators, power panels, distribution systems, fire systems, etc aboard ships (think giant oceangoing luxury yachts). Basically hardware debugging. MP3 player, remote SSH client, emergency VNC/RDP client.

Oh and playing NES/SNES/Amiga stuff.
Depends on whether or not there's a multi-track audio editor and mixer. If there IS, then I'll be producing full commercial and narration voiceover spots. If not, I'll just use it for on-the-road auditions.

But mostly gaming. =)
I'll be programming synths on mine, depending on what comes out of the community. Though, mostly for game emulation- GBC, GBA, Snes, Dosbox, PSX, N64 (if fast enough). Also for typing quick lecture notes 'cause I hate carrying around paper :P Oh and the internet as well. Pretty much everything my similarly priced laptop does, with the advantage of size and inbuilt gaming controls :D
WizardStan said:
craigix said:
I'm going to use mine for reminding me it was possible... and, um, as a portable amiga.
I hope you also use it as a reminder that it's not as easy as it looks ;)
And especially what to do differently next time. As awesome as the Pandora is, I want to see what you can come up with as technology improves in the coming years.

Apparently we have 'bought our way in' with all the companies involved now and it should be 'much easier' next time.

I hope that's true.
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