Mdf-Games, Some Homebrew Games.


Jul 28, 2009
Västerås Sweden
MDF: is a computer society on Mälardalens University (Sweden)
we are ISP to all students on campus and most of us are HW / SW geeks.

When we get some time over, we makes a game or two (or a robot :P ).

We have two games that are almost done.

We are currently working on fixing network-problems on following games:
Tankgame < single player working > worth downloading just for the great music.

KlickyFightyGame < got playable network game now, but do not trust that the same thing happens on all clients :P >


get a name
hit the person who did not finish the network code, then make him document what he have done, <DONE>
rewrite network code.

These are two games i am working on now
Tactical 3d spaceship game, ( got this idea from a battle school game from an Ender books. google "enders game" ;) )
RealTimeChess (youtube kungfuchess to get the idea) (only networking left)
yes those are also multiplayer games.

all this will be finished in 2 months(tm).

Those are games that will be ported/made to the Pandora.

There will be a GameDev Event 29-30jan.
one or more games will come then.

Got an game idea that will take less then 24h to make by 6 fairly skilled programmers?
post it here and we might make it.

We got a Beagleboard, and we are not afraid to use it! (with ångström distro)

Will update this list when news comes.

We have compiled Tankgame on beagleboard, but it runs slowly will check why later.
We have tried to compile libgrapple (network lib), but this did not go well due to OPEN_SSL path errors..
I do not think we got any hardware acceleration for graphics on ångström yet, I will install a newer release of ångström later this week.
We think we can solve our network "errors" now, the author of the network code for the thank game will give us some support on the GameDevParty later this week, and we have got some good ideas from our classes in "distributed systems".
the tank game link is broken :-(

the other game, looks nice so far but there obviously isn't a one player option and I have nobody to connect to :-(

cool to hear more people working on games for our beloved Pandora!
link fixed. and yes its only multiplayer. add "-windowed -nosound" and you can run 2 clients on one computer ^_^
tankgame should compile on Linux, Mac or Windows, but I prefer that nobody compiles it for windows because it sucks..
tankgame requires almost every SDL lib that exists: mixer, net, ttf, gfx, image :P
wally said:
A skyroads clone would be more than welcome :)

Already supported by the pandora.

skyroads are freeware and can be downloaded from this site:

not natively, but through Dosbox. i think it shuld run just fine, I can try to run it on our beagleboard later.
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Really cool to hear, how did I miss this thread?

Can't wait for RealTime Chess, i know how addictive it is from the IM ICQ times when i used to play it with some friends, that weren't into computer games/stuff at all, but got addicted to these ICQ games anyway. (much like nowadays everybody plays these Facebook games)
Wolfsclaw said:
Really cool to hear, how did I miss this thread?

Can't wait for RealTime Chess, i know how addictive it is from the IM ICQ times when i used to play it with some friends, that weren't into computer games/stuff at all, but got addicted to these ICQ games anyway. (much like nowadays everybody plays these Facebook games)

I think i can have it done for a first release in a weekend. but then it will be a "connect to ip" ver.
I have been planning on making a generic lobby-system that works on all our games and maybe others to ;).
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Some updates:
We have compiled Tankgame on beagleboard, but it runs slowly will check why later.
We have tried to compile libgrapple (network lib), but this did not go well due to OPEN_SSL path errors..
I do not think we got any hardware acceleration for graphics on ångström yet, I will install a newer release of ångström later this week.
We think we can solve our network "errors" now, the author of the network code for the thank game will give us some support on the GameDevParty later this week, and we have got some good ideas from our classes in "distributed systems".

we are currently 8 persons in my apartment, working on a game.

we are now working on a "space shooter" game with single player / multiplayer support.
using libs:
SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer, SDL_image SDL_gfx and grapple (network)

we are divided as follows:
2 working on graphics (this is really awesome! )
2 working on single player
2 working on network (multiplayer)
1 working on music ( really good to )

we currently hate our artists, their good work forces us to code good code :(

a preview will come when we are halfway through (12h development -4h hangover )
oh its 20:18 here, release snapshot 00:00

better late then never..
I am beginning to feel bad for spamming my own thread..
but here are some pictures:


it does not look as much but all game content have been made in less then 24h (and about 2000 lines of code). it even got network-support, but no networkgame implemented yet.
i think we can reuse our network code from this on the tankgame. will check it out later when we finished this project.

source & linux 64 binary coming soon ( as in a hour or two) Now:
Libs: SDL, SDL_img, SDL_gfx, SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer, libgrapple

HP bar for ship and base added in last second...
and a score system..

and yes, our graphic artists got lost in the night... I wonder where they are..
ok, another update, now its just some ingame pics from ClickyFightyGame


This is the lobby, here you chose "icon", hero and a map (game host decides map )
only when everyone is ready can host start the game.


so this is your hero, and she is standing on a "resource point", when you have taken a resource point you get resources from it ( 5p / sec i think)
in the bottom left corner there are a buy menu and here you can buy new units or by HP to the hero.
to the right in the bottom there are a chat window (currently activated by tab)

the hero is controlled by arrow keys while the units are controlled by mouse like a standard rts. ("shift Leftclick" stacks the clicks so you can make an advanced path)


here are a battle, hero/players are markt by a blue circle on the ground. owner of a object is marked by the icon in the top left coner of the object.


and finally some aftermatch statistics.

there are also a complete leveleditor to this game, will release it later.. now its time to go back to my school work...