Man! This Is Fantastic!!!!


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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I just wanted to chime in with this little beauty.

If anyone has a motorola a920 mobile phone (3G thing) , there's a new version of Picodrive (genesis emu) just been released for it.

It's full speed, really compatible, and is full screen - WITH SAVE STATES :D :D

If you've got a UK a920, it needs to be cracked (ask me for details if you want).

BUT IT'S BLOODY FANTASTIC. Playing genesis games with the phone on its side, full screen and full speed (no sound as of yet). D-pad works as a great game controller, and you can use all the buttos on the phone, and they're redefinable!


Sorry, I'll calm down now :P
Ermm... I posted this three days ago in the offtopic forum ;)

But you're the first one having a phone where it works :)

Does it work well?

I imagine playing Phantasy Star 4 on my mobile... :)
Did you!

Ah well :P

It works fine. There's been versions out for phones for a while, but this is the first I've seen that is really worth using.

It works really well. Frameskip 0 (as far as I can tell) and perfect emulation (apart from sound). Havent found anything that doesn;t work on it yet...
Ah! Just found your post!

YEah - it was about the port for the ngage. This is a port for the the Symbian-based Motorola a920 - a phone that is notoriously hard to get hold of stuff for unless you crack it in the UK.

Dont know how I missed the original topic though! Not like me!
Fullspeed??? WOW! Fantastic!

Damn... I just got a new mobile this year (Motorola V600)... not a series 60 :(
I had a look but i could only find sum dutch sites that i think said gameboy and V600 in the same sentence, I wont b seeing my mate for ages now coz he's changed shifts at work,

sorry ti get ure hopes up