Mame Progress - Sega Emulation On The Horizon?


May 8, 2003
Leicester, UK
MAME4All and MAME are two of my most-used Pandora apps, and it never ceases to amaze me how many games I can play using them. However, as is often the way, I'm always left wanting more. I've noticed that many Sega titles - specifically those that used the System 16 board - refuse to load.

Has anyone gotten these working, or does anyone know if support for them is incoming? I'm thinking along the lines of Golden Axe (1 and 2), Alien Storm, DD Crew, etc...

While I'm here, does anyone know if either of the MAME ports can run CPS2 games?
This is more likely to be your dumps being incorrect - as far as I know, those games have been supported in MAME for an extreeeeeeeemely long time, and should be working in both MAME4All and MAME 0.106.

As for CPS2 stuff, MAME 0.106 takes care of that.

EDIT: You might want to check out this.
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^ Only really for stuff around the time of the CPS2, in my experience.
Prometheus said:
This is more likely to be your dumps being incorrect - as far as I know, those games have been supported in MAME for an extreeeeeeeemely long time, and should be working in both MAME4All and MAME 0.106.

As for CPS2 stuff, MAME 0.106 takes care of that.

EDIT: You might want to check out this.

Thanks! I will try that tonight. I just assumed that there was a comparability problem, and that the ROMs were not yet supported.

So essentially, if I can see the ROM in the MAME4All list, I should be able to play it, right?
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Duddyroar said:
So essentially, if I can see the ROM in the MAME4All list, I should be able to play it, right?
That's my understanding of it, yes. If it's incompatible, it doesn't seem to show up in the menu, at least in my experience.
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Prometheus said:
That's my understanding of it, yes. If it's incompatible, it doesn't seem to show up in the menu, at least in my experience.
That's right. All MAMEs have an internal list of games they support. MAME4ALL's menu uses this list to match file names to the full game titles, so if the file name is unknown, it won't appear in the menu. It doesn't however check the file in any way, so if the zip's contents are wrong, it'll still show up in the list but of course won't be playable.

Best course of action: get the ROM set for the specific version of MAME you're using.
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Duddyroar said:
I have a lot of games that must have bad romsets, then.

Also, stuff like Marvel vs Capcom and X-Men vs Street Fighter doesn't appear in MAME4All for me?

Send me a PM. I can help you very well with this issue. ;)
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No one has announced a port of FBA, though I think SteveM has hinted at it. I believe MAME .106 supports CPS2, but you will likely need to overclock.