Mame Gp32 1.9 !!!

I think the reason was that Bubble Bobble had some kind of encryption/copy protection and Bobble Bobble doesn't because it is a bootleg and is cracked.
Ok, I tried Bobble Booble and from the point that I press the starts button until the dragon lands on the ground it takes 29 seconds in the C core and 30 seconds in the asm core... or have I managed to swap them around?

Edit: Ok, from the point I press the start button until the character appears in Black Tiger takes 23 seconds on the asm core and 27 seconds on the C core.
I'll try to fix it up some more.

Edit2: Just tested my first version on Bobble Bobble, 21 seconds to gamestart...
Nowhere near finnished though. Apparently the C version takes just long time now as well... :huh:
So should I keep going with the optimisations or?
I think I'm more or less done with optimising my own Z80 core for SMSAdvance, but is there any interest for this/is it of any use? It seems it would be better to optimise the sound & graphics but I don't think I'm the right person to try that.

Does anyone know of any other games that are faster with the asm core?
Preferably with some kind of measurement.

Franxis: is it possible to implement some kind of FPS meter or a fixed frameskip of more than 0? Because if I use variable frame skip wouldn't it make measuring the time between the 2 cores a little hard?
The main problem with DrZ80 support in MAME GP32 now is the limited compatibility. It would be cool to make it more compatible. Reesy told me the problems now to make it more compatible: DrZ80 does not check interrupts flags after every opcode, DrZ80 does not inform about the already executed cycles, DrZ80 does not update previous program counter after every opcode, etc. I think Reesy could tell you these issues more exactly.

I don't know if DrZ80 speed could be improved.

In MAME GP32 you can select Frame-Skip<=2 (frameskip adjusted up to fs2) ,<=1 (fs up to fs1) ,=2 (fs fixed to 2),=1 (fs fixed to 1),=0 (fs fixed to 0), etc.
I have not implemented fps counter yet, because the number of games playing now at frameskip 0 is very limited, normally it is 1-2 depending of the game and the moment into each of the games. But i would add a fps counter if you are interested.

In MAME GP32 1.9 i only have done a limited debug feature compiling MAME GP32 with "-DDEBUGMAMEGP" (defining DEBUGMAMEGP). Then a message is presented in the center of the screen with milliseconds needed to emulate each video frame (you can select frameskip=2 fs, fixed to 2, and compare the results with C core and DrZ80 asm core).

I have not released MAME GP32 2.0 yet because i have not enough interesting new features to warn people to download a new version (10 Mb in size :-( ). I have only done direct SP memory access in DrZ80 (i have passed you the sources in an e-mail some days ago), i have added screen strecht code done by Pepe_Faruk, and i'm trying to add more games with big screen resolution to check strecht code (i.e. Popeye, Spy Hunter, Rampage, etc)...

OPS! I must have missed the fixed frameskip :o

There are a lot of more things that can have to be fixed in the ASM core... 16bit IO ports, correct flags on IO access etc.
But it can also be faster/smaller.
OPS! I must have missed the fixed frameskip :o

There are a lot of more things that can have to be fixed in the ASM core... 16bit IO ports, correct flags on IO access etc.
But it can also be faster/smaller.

Great, i wish you the best with your work ;-).

Any advances will be greatly appreciated by everybody in GP32 emulation scene, as well as for other ARM devices (GP2X, N-Gage, GBA, etc).
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I've optimised the most common instructions (ADC, ADD, CP, SUB & SBC) but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference in speed, just a couple of bytes smaller...
Should I send you the source so you can take a look at/test?

I have added version 1.9 to the compatibility lists.

Could I ask y'all to update the list pretty please. Presently it's only showing the status of the previous games version.

Tatty bye for now and thanks in advance :) .