Mame Gp2x 1.8


Aug 22, 2004

Thanks to all friends i met on MadriSX 2006 party yesterday (WEB). New MAME GP2X 1.8:

- Auto-fire support.
- Volume control really fixed. Also press VolUp+VolDown simultaneously to go back to default volume level.
- New YM3812 sound core with better quality (MAME 0.35b6): Snow Bros, Hellfire, Gemini Wing, Bubble Bobble, etc.
- Improvements in DrZ80 core: Now is compatible with Neo·Geo games. Thanks to Flubba.
- Graphic improvements: Tokio.
- Sound improvements: P.O.W, The Main Event, TMNT.
- Performance improvements: Bubble Bobble, Contra, Ninja Kid 2, Psychic 5, Tehkan World Cup, The New Zealand Story, Tokio, Tumble Pop, Xybots.
- New clrmame.dat created by [MaD] updated up to MAME GP2X 1.8.

- Added 32 new romsets from MAME 0.35b2-b13 (total supported games now is 1115!):
MAME 0.35b2: The Main Event (version F) (mainevt2)
MAME 0.35b8: TNK3 (tnk3), ASO (Armored Scrum Object) (aso), Athena (athena), Fighting Golf (fitegolf), Guerrilla War (gwar), Bermuda Triangle (bermudat), Psycho Soldier (set 1) (psychos), Psycho Soldier (set 2) (psychosa), Chopper I (chopper), The Legend of Air Cavalry (legofair), TouchDown Fever (tdfever), TouchDown Fever (Japanese) (tdfeverj)
MAME 0.35b10: Legend of Makaj (lomakaj), P-47 (World) (p47), P-47 (Japan) (p47j), 64th Street (64street), Earth Defense Force (edf), RodLand (Japan) (rodlandj), Avenging Spirit (avspirit)
MAME 0.35b11: Cabal (US set 1) (cabal), Cabal (US set 2) (cabal2), Cabal (bootleg) (cabalbl), Goindol (goindol), Homo (homo)
MAME 0.35b12: Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World) (prehisle), Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (US) (prehislu), Genshi-Tou 1930's (gensitou)
MAME 0.35b13: Sichuan II (hack?) (sichuan2), Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen (Japan) (shisen), Truxton / Tatsujin (truxton), Out Zone (outzone)

- Modified romsets:
MAME 0.35b2: The Main Event (version Y) (mainevt)
MAME 0.35b8: Ikari Warriors (US) (ikari), Ikari Warriors (Japan) (ikarijp), Ikari Warriors (Japan bootleg) (ikarijpb), Victory Road (victroad), Dogou Souken (dogosoke)

- Thanks to all paypal donators: EvilDragon (, Federico Mazza, Nandove, Videogame Stuff, Denis Evans, Ricardo Cabello, Elías Ballesteros, J.Antonio Serralvo Martín, bagmouse7, Suj, funkyferdy, Gieese, Vincent Cleaver, William Burnett, Bleeg, Martin Dolphin, Ilarri, Glen Stones, Dr.Konami, Augusto Carlos Pérez Arriaza, Charles Box, Borochi, Kayday, George Tavoulareas, Timofonic, Fabrice Canava, Redox, Javitotrader, remowilliams, Scott Contrera, Jinhyun Seo, Anarchy (, Craig (, Shane Monroe, Simon Beattie, Stefan Braunstein, DaveC, Colin Bradshaw, Dana Rodolico, Revod, Michael Evers, Riccardo Pizzi, Fosfy45, Dj Syto, Rob Pittman, Stefan Mueller, Musa, Unai, Sascha Reuter, Globalwide Technologies Limited, Juan Rivera-Novoa, Mark Carin, Julio Catalina Piedrahita, techFreak (, Darius Hardy, Charles Andre, Matt Brimelow, McOskar, SBock, Daniel PP Saurborn, Picayuco, Kojote (, Knoxximus, Tony Watterson, Matthew Forman, naples39, NEO (, Patrick Mettes, Angel Molero Grueso, Lubidog, Smiths (
I'm loving the auto-fire for Joust and most of the shooters, even though it's cheating. This feature will save my A button a million presses. Thanks, Franxis!
* Rubs head and wakes up from coma *

Zoink!! Thanks so much Franxis!!
I have noticed that in Galaga the sound is stuttery in vertical mode but is fine when played in horizontal mode. It is like this with older releases too. Of course the only way to get it at 1:1 and full screen is to play vertical. Is that a bug or does it have to do with the rendering? I thought the GP2X has free 90° rotation built into the hardware.

Good work, great emu. Thanks.
Great work Franxis, this project just gets better and better!

I'm curious, what version of MAME saw the first addition of Outrun and are we ever likely to see that on GP2X? I know you were pushing the good old GP32 to the limit...

Shirohagen posted on Mar 6 2006 at 10:03 AM said:
Great work Franxis, this project just gets better and better!

I'm curious, what version of MAME saw the first addition of Outrun and are we ever likely to see that on GP2X? I know you were pushing the good old GP32 to the limit...


Ive already compiled it up and run it under Mame 102, so we know it works, and is within the memory limits of the GP2X. It just ran at about 3fps - but that was more to do with the way the new Mame works.


It could well run fine under Franxis' setup, but Mame took a huge leap from 0.36 onwards in terms of code layout and Macros, so it would require a reverse port into the way Franxis' Mame handles emulation
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Lazrhog posted on Mar 7 2006 at 06:50 AM said:
It could well run fine under Franxis' setup, but Mame took a huge leap from 0.36 onwards in terms of code layout and Macros, so it would require a reverse port into the way Franxis' Mame handles emulation
I've had a look at MAME 0.36 and later source code and vidhrdw drivers (for example) are handled somewhat differently.

Are you saying that MAME 0.36 onwards basically requires a more hefty CPU? Is this one reason Franxis chose to work with MAME 0.34 as a starting base?
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Lazrhog posted on Mar 6 2006 at 07:50 PM said:
Ive already compiled it up and run it under Mame 102, so we know it works, and is within the memory limits of the GP2X. It just ran at about 3fps - but that was more to do with the way the new Mame works.

It could well run fine under Franxis' setup, but Mame took a huge leap from 0.36 onwards in terms of code layout and Macros, so it would require a reverse port into the way Franxis' Mame handles emulation

Have you tried to get the older classic games that have no sound to work with a later driver that emulates the sound rather than using samples? I think that would be cool as at least some of these older games stand more of a chance of running at a playable speed with a newer driver than something new like Outrun.
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Great stuff, thank you! This is only getting better every time I try it.

One thing though, will it ever be possible to map the virtual joystick axes to the GP2X buttons? I.e. map the 4-button cluster to up, down, left and right, and also to map any of the 8 different joystick positions on the GP2X to the virtual buttons?
DaveC posted on Mar 7 2006 at 03:29 PM said:
Lazrhog posted on Mar 6 2006 at 07:50 PM said:
Ive already compiled it up and run it under Mame 102, so we know it works, and is within the memory limits of the GP2X. It just ran at about 3fps - but that was more to do with the way the new Mame works.

It could well run fine under Franxis' setup, but Mame took a huge leap from 0.36 onwards in terms of code layout and Macros, so it would require a reverse port into the way Franxis' Mame handles emulation

Have you tried to get the older classic games that have no sound to work with a later driver that emulates the sound rather than using samples? I think that would be cool as at least some of these older games stand more of a chance of running at a playable speed with a newer driver than something new like Outrun.

Yes. I'll say no more till I get more time at it.
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Hey Franxis,

I just made these icons if you want to use them. :)




As I made these myself, feel free to do what ever you like to them if you want to customize them. :)
i finally took the time to suscribe to this board and i must say it's mainly because i wanted to thank you for your wonderful mame gp2x version.

it's probably the best program on a handheld which already has tons of incredible stuff (dr mx or outcast to name a few).

thanks again
Okay..I'm pretty new to MAME and very new to GP2X Mame...Where can I go for a step by step guide to setting up the ROM files to work on the GP2X.

I know about CLRMAME and the clrmame.dat file, but I can only seem to get one game (moon patrol) working under the GP2X...

