Mame Gp2x 1.4


Aug 22, 2004
MAME GP2X 1.4 (January 23, 2006)

- Added 24 new romsets from MAME 0.35b1-b5 (total supported games now is 1061!):
MAME 0.35b1: Rolling Thunder (rthunder), Pocket Gal (pcktgal), Pocket Gal (bootleg) (pcktgalb)
MAME 0.35b2: Ikari Warriors (US) (ikari), Ikari Warriors (Japan) (ikarijp), Ikari Warriors (Japan bootleg) (ikarijpb), Victory Road (Victory Road), Dogo Soken (dogosoke)
MAME 0.35b3: Gals Panic (galpanic), Street Fighter (World) (sf1), Street Fighter (US) (sf1us), Street Fighter (Japan) (sf1jp)
MAME 0.35b4: Aero Fighters (aerofgt), Turbo Force (turbofrc), Pang (World) (pang), Pang (bootleg) (pangb), Buster Bros (US) (bbros), Super Pang (World) (spang), Block Block (World) (block), Power Spikes (Korea) (pspikes)
MAME 0.35b5: Hellfire (hellfire), Zero Wing (zerowing), Vimana (set 1) (vimana), Vimana (set 2) (vimana2)
- Problem with relative paths in some consoles solved (Thx wotan_999, bleim).
- Problem with not showed games at the end of the list solved (Thx virucho28).
- New clrmame.dat created by [MaD] updated up to MAME GP2X 1.3. It adds the new supported games in previous versions and it solves the "NO ROM DUMP" in Neo·Geo games.
- NOTES: To play Super Pang KEEP START PRESSED WHILE BOOTING THE FIRST TIME. Pang romset has been modified to MAME 0.35b4 one.
- Thanks to all paypal donators:, Federico Mazza, Nandove, Videogame Stuff, Denis Evans, Ricardo Cabello, Elías Ballesteros, J.Antonio Serralvo Martín, bagmouse7, Suj, funkyferdy, Gieese, Vincent Cleaver, William Burnett, Bleeg, Martin Dolphin, Ilarri, Glen Stones, Dr.Konami, Augusto Carlos Pérez Arriaza, Charles Box, Borochi, Kayday, George Tavoulareas, Timofonic, Fabrice Canava,
Redox, Javitotrader, remowilliams, Scott Contrera, Jinhyun Seo, Hardcore Gamer (Chapas H-G), Craigx (, Shane Monroe, Simon Beattie, Stefan Braunstein, DaveC, Colin Bradshaw, Dana Rodolico, Revod, Michael Evers, Riccardo Pizzi.
Very nice, and great work :) - Mame is very enjoyable and it's nice to be playing my old favourite classics on the go - it runs really well.

One problem I have noticed though, is that sound seems to go a bit odd when I increase the volume beyond normal. It starts cutting out and going fuzzy (It doesn't happen with any other Gp2X software). Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this a possible bug? Either way, thought I would add it just in case.

Thanks for the great work :)
Very nice, and great work :) - Mame is very enjoyable and it's nice to be playing my old favourite classics on the go - it runs really well.

One problem I have noticed though, is that sound seems to go a bit odd when I increase the volume beyond normal. It starts cutting out and going fuzzy (It doesn't happen with any other Gp2X software). Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this a possible bug? Either way, thought I would add it just in case.

Thanks for the great work :)

The normal volume after launching the emulator is the theorical maximum volume... Increasing more gets distorsed sound...
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Very nice, and great work :) - Mame is very enjoyable and it's nice to be playing my old favourite classics on the go - it runs really well.

One problem I have noticed though, is that sound seems to go a bit odd when I increase the volume beyond normal. It starts cutting out and going fuzzy (It doesn't happen with any other Gp2X software). Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this a possible bug? Either way, thought I would add it just in case.

Thanks for the great work :)

The normal volume after launching the emulator is the theorical maximum volume... Increasing more gets distorsed sound...

Ah, ok - thanks :) - through my headphones it just generally seems rather quiet compared to other games, hence my trying to turn it up.

Apologies for that, I wasn't aware that was the maximum :)
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Hey now ... Nice!

Say, Fran ... I'm sure the time will come where we can actually set up our own keys and have them stick on a per game basis, but .. until then ...

Would it be possible to offer a couple of CANNED control schemes? MAINLY for the 'four way firing' games like Robotron, Black Widow, etc.? By the time I remember the control changes for each game, I'm usually too frustrated to actually PLAY it (Star Trek needs like EVERY key remapped to make it comfortable). Honestly it would be enough to have like 2 or 3 "sets" that could appear in the controller configuration above DEFAULT. Set 1 is the current setup, Set 2 for 4 way games ... etc.

Would it be possible to offer a couple of CANNED control schemes? MAINLY for the 'four way firing' games like Robotron, Black Widow, etc.? By the time I remember the control changes for each game, I'm usually too frustrated to actually PLAY it

I'll give that a hearty second. If you can get some spare cycles to stick something in, it would be much appreciated. It takes me like five minutes to map the damn Black Widow controls properly. :lol:

Rolling Thunder - YAY! Thanks again Franxis for your work ;)
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Cool release. I noticed that alot of drivers have started to use .35. Would it be possible to include some of the games that still don't have any sound in the next update to .35? Please? I would really like to have sound for those games.

Thanks for everything.
or just skip .35 and go for .36! there's like 2,000 games supported in that one ;)
Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting Rolling Thunder to work - it gets as far as the title screen, then crashes when a credit is inserted. It's my all time arcade fave as well!

Anyone else got it working?

:lol: MARVELOUS =D thank you for this emu.

Only a thing, in this version is resolve the problem with POPEYE?
The problem was wich you can't see correct, also push R+L nothing.
wheres the list of ALL supported roms? i'd love to be able to complete wardner after all these years

panic over found the gameslist in the download, wardners not there oh well

fantastic work though btw(not to sound ungreatful)
anyone got gals panic working? sw service error message here

It seems to be the only one game added that does not work... Sorry i'm working on it... I didn't have the correct romsets, for example i have just tried Power Spikes and Aero Fighters (i didn't have the romsets until now).

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Popeye's screen is too large and hardware scaling hasn't been implemented yet, so until we have that it's unplayable unfortunately.