It's funny that I came across the same link as Transmition and it certainly sparked my interest for applying it to the Pandora. I guess i'm not the only one that checks up on the gadget blogs

(engadget/gizmodo). Actually, it was Engadget that re-sparked my interest in the Pandora project when they posted about the
DC emulator coming to the Pandora. I was hyped on the Pandora about a year or two ago when I found out about the underground emulating handheld device movement [It may not be that underground but to me it was]. I was first introduced to the Wiz and then I heard about the Pandora; the solution that I've been always looking for. At the time I didn't know they were taking pre-orders and I ended up focusing on other projects and situations that Life throws at you and eventually forgot about it. Then Engadget came along with their beautiful posts and, viola, I'm now a First Batcher.
Back on topic -> I ended up looking at the specs for a
lower rez. adapter from the same company, Sewell, and found that the minimum processor speed is 1.2 GHz. I looked back to the Pandora specs and it seems that we are at about half of that [ARM® Cortex™-A8 600Mhz+ CPU & 430-MHz TMS320C64x+™ DSP Core] so I'm guessing that Lulzfish is right.
The reason for my interest in such a device is that I'd like to hook the Pandora up to a projector, although S-Video is plenty good enough for my standards, it is nice to have the option to display in a higher rez. if I'd like to some general computing/presenting. Ok, here's my dream for the Pandora: [
probably not the right thread to post in but hey most threads in these forums go off topic so what the heck] I want the Pandora to be my own modular PC. What I mean is that I'd like to be able to hook it up to a projector and play retro multiplayer games with my friends, then be able to unhook it from there and plug it into a MAME station and play games on my own (or two player) with an arcade interface, and then have the option to just flop on the couch and surf/play games/listen to tunes/misc. computing on my own with the unit peripheral-less. My idea, and it's probably shared with plenty of others, is that the Pandora will be my all-in-one gadget solution, and although it will have it's limitations [I don't think we'll be seeing the Pandora on a GSM Network anytime soon] it's nice to know that all my classic games will all be in one place and I won't need multiple lunch box sized consoles to play my games/surf the web/takes notes......etc.
Sorry everyone for the long post I just needed to download some thoughts I've been spinning around.