Looking A Programmer For A Cool Little Game

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Hello guys :D

i was wondering if there were any programmers interested making a simple* dungeon crawler, where your main** method of killing the monsters is by pushing blocks of walls and trying get a monster trapped between the walls and crush it. I'm not too good at explaining it, but maybe this will help ▼


▲ I made those back when i was still thinking of doing this in some kind of scifi setting. But now i think a fantasy setting would work better. Like the main character could be some kinda wizard and he/she is paid to do all kinds of missions***
heres a quick and dirty test for how the some monsters might look in the actual game▼


▲ sorry i didnt draw more of them, but i didnt know what resolution the programmer would want for me to use, or if i could even find a programmer willing to work with me, hehe ;)


* well "simple" of course is relative. Half a year ago I tried to make this with the Game Maker program, but i got stuck on trying to get my character push more than one stone block at a time. The sprites would just pile on top of one another :(
i then tried to get some help on Game Maker forums. Maybe I'm stupid or something, cause i couldnt manage to implement the advise they gave me... so i just gave up :(
Until now that is, now I'm itching to give this another go. All i need is a programmer, heh :D

** you could also shoot "magic missiles", but that would require you to be in line of sight with the monsters and as some monsters can shoot back at you, that could be a little problem ;)
Also im thinking that some monsters would only die if you shot them while others would need to be crushed, hmmm.. and maybe some monsters would be so tough that couldnt harm them at all, your only hope would be to push them into a gorge/ravine/hole (sorry, my English isnt so good, but i hope you get the idea anyway)

*** even in this simple game there could be lots of different missions, from; making a tunnel through a mountain (while trying not to get killed by the wandering monsters), to killing an orc chieftain, to saving some prisoners, retrieving stolen treasure, to preventing an prison escape... stuff like that.. and im sure you people can figure out more missions for this game :D


PS: another game i would like to do, would be some kinda "fantasy gladiator manager" game, but that looks like too much work for a first game. If i did do a gladiator manager game, the first iterations would be very basic, like you could choose only human fighters, couple weapons, no poisons or spells, no cheating (like bribing the judge or assassinating the other players). And with every new version of it, we would expand the game.. oh and one fun part would be like that with every new release of the game, the year would change inside the game world. Just like in real life, in a sense that the gladiator fights originally started as a burial ritual, there would be like only couple guys and they would fight to the death. Fast forward few hundred years and the Romans would stage massive gladiator combats where there would be literally thousands of gladiators fighting to their deaths.. thought that might be over kill for a turn based video game..
Uh sorry, got a little derailed there. Why i really wanted to tell about this, was that if theres no programmer that would be interested in doing the dungeon crawler game with me, then how about a gladiator manager game?
it would eventually be like http://www.seppos.net/gladiator/ but much better! :P